aerial photo of the Graduate School building

Administrative Calendar

The Administrative Calendar is published annually and contains the governing dates for administrative actions, personnel decisions, and other matters of importance to faculty, librarians, professional and managerial staff. Additionally, it includes the monthly College/School and department meetings dates, as well as the meeting dates for various campus groups including the University Senate, Graduate Council and Local AFT.

Additional information and dates can be found at the Academic Calendar

Dates are subject to change whenever it is deemed necessary.

University Leadership

Officers of the University

Jonathan GS Koppell

Junius Gonzales
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Joseph A. Brennan
Vice President for Communications and Marketing

Althea Broomfield-Michel
University Counsel

Shawn M. Connolly
Vice President for University Facilities

Jerome DeSanto
Interim Vice President for Information Technology

Benjamin Durant
Interim Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President

Wendy Lin-Cook
Vice President for Enrollment Management

Dawn Meza Soufleris
Vice President for Student Development and Campus Life

David Vernon
Vice President for Human Resources

Rita Walters
Vice President for Development


Amy Aiello
Interim Dean, College for Community Health

Vincent Alfonso, Ph.D.
Interim Dean, College for Education and Engaged Learning

Lora Billings, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Science and Mathematics

Margaree Coleman-Carter, M.A.
Dean of Students

Daniel Gurskis, M.F.A.
Dean, College of the Arts

Kimberly Hollister, Ph.D.
Dean, Feliciano School of Business

Danielle Insalaco-Egan, Ph.D.
Acting Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education and Acting Dean, University College

Peter Kingstone, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Danianne Mizzy, M.L.I.S.
Dean, Library Services

Janice Smolowitz, Ed.D., D.N.P.
Dean, School of Nursing

Kenneth Sumner, Ph.D.
Acting Dean, The Graduate School

Academic Affairs Timetable

Advertising Schedule

July-September  2023
Advertising materials submitted to VPAA for full-time faculty and adjuncts/visiting specialists vacancies, Fall ’24.
August-September 2024
Advertisement appears in newspaper, other media, disciplinary venues and on the Montclair State University Home Page for full-time faculty vacancies, Fall ’24.

Career Development Program

The Career Development Program (CD) for AFT members is one of many ways individuals enhance their performance in their roles at the university. Open to faculty, professional staff, librarians, instructional specialists, and clinical specialists, this program is unique in that it offers opportunities for professional development to a range of employees and demonstrates the commitment of the university to support its growth as a result of the development of individuals.


Application Timetable

Application available March 10, 2024

Applications Due March 29, 2024 by 4:30 PM

University Career Development Committee Recommendations Due by April 19, 2024

Award Notifications sent to applicants on May 13, 2024 (Note: New date requested.)

Funds available from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025


Curriculum Action Dates

Schedule of Curriculum Proposal Approval and Implementation

New courses and course alterations may become effective for the Summer/Fall or Winter/Spring semesters. All new courses and course alterations must be circulated throughout the University academic community for a one-month review period prior to approval by the Provost/VPAA. All new courses and course alterations must be approved through all committee levels and appropriate College/School deans before delivery to the Office of the Provost for circulation.  The lists are circulated by the Office of the Provost, via the Course Submissions/Course Actions Database found on the Provost’s website under “Forms” at the beginning of each month.

Department/School/Library PAC (tentative date)

March 18, 2024
Election of Department/School/Library PAC for 2024-25 due.

Department Assessment Committees

October 24, 2023
VPAA notifies deans of tenured faculty to be assessed.
October 27, 2023
Deans notify department chairpersons of faculty to be assessed.
December 4, 2023
Election of departmental assessment committees.
February 9, 2024
Self-assessment statements submitted to departmental assessment committees, with a copy to the department chairperson, and the College/School dean.
February 23, 2024
Final report of departmental assessment committees submitted to VPAA, with a copy to the Dean and the assessed faculty member.
March 6, 2024
Deadline for submission to VPAA of written response to the departmental assessment committees’ report by assessed faculty members, if desired.

University Distinguished Scholar Program
(Contingent on availability of budget funds)

Timeline to be announced

Distinguished Teacher Program

University Distinguished Teacher process is under review.

Doctoral Faculty Application Timeline

April 1, 2024
Doctoral Faculty Applications due to the Doctoral Program Directors.  DPDs share a copy of application with the doctoral faculty in the department
April 8, 2024
Doctoral faculty within the program will provide feedback to the DPD on each of the doctoral applicants.  DPD also reviews applications.
April 15, 2024
DPD provides written recommendations to doctoral faculty candidates.
April 22, 2024
Candidates may send a written response to their DPD regarding their review.  DPDs forward all applications to College/School Dean and Dean of the Graduate School.
April 29, 2024
Dean and Graduate Dean forward their written evaluation and recommendation to candidate and DPD.
May 6, 2024
Candidates may send written response to deans.  Deans forward applications to Provost.
May 17, 2024
Provost notifies each candidate, DPD, Dean, Graduate Dean of his decision regarding appointment to the doctoral faculty.
May 24, 2024
Candidate may make a written appeal/request for reconsideration to the Provost.
May 31, 2024
Provost shall notify the candidate whether or not the appeal has been granted

Election of Department Chairperson

October 19, 2023
VPAA notifies deans of departments needing elections for department chairperson.
October 24, 2023
Dean notifies departments regarding need for election of department chairperson.
April 3, 2024
Election of department chairpersons completed and results reported to deans.
May 10, 2024
Action by president on department recommendations for department chairpersons.
July 1, 2024
New department chairpersons assume office.

Faculty Research Mentoring Award Timeline

To be Announced

Faculty Scholarship Program:
Application Approval Process

Approval of FSP  (FSP Timeline for Faculty in the 2019-2024 Cycle)

February 5, 2024
Applicant submits detailed Summary Report and New FSP proposal to department chairperson.
February 12, 2024
Department chairperson’s recommendation to applicant.
February 19, 2024
Applicant’s request to chair for meeting if proposal not accepted as submitted.
February 23, 2024
Revised proposal to chairperson.
March 4, 2024
Chairperson’s recommendation to dean.
March 22, 2024
Dean’s recommendation to applicant.
April 1, 2024
Applicant’s request to dean for meeting if proposal not accepted as submitted.
April 15, 2024
Revised proposal to dean.
April 22, 2024
Dean informs candidate of final decision.
May 3, 2024
Applicant’s appeal to the provost
May 17, 2024
Provost’s response to applicant.

FSP Interim Report Deadline (for Faculty in the 2021 – 2026 Cycle)

February 5, 2024
Deadline for faculty awarded an FSP in AY2021-2022 to submit the Interim Report to the Dean

First Year Faculty Submissions

February 5, 2024
Applicant submits proposal to department chairperson.
February 12, 2024
Department chairperson’s recommendation to applicant.
February 19, 2024
Applicant’s request to chair for meeting if proposal not accepted as submitted.
February 23, 2024
Revised proposal to chairperson.
March 4, 2024
Chairperson’s recommendation to dean.
March 22, 2024
Dean’s recommendation to applicant.
April 1, 2024
Applicant’s request to dean for meeting if proposal not accepted as submitted.
April 15, 2024
Revised proposal to dean.
April 22, 2024
Dean informs candidate of final decision.
May 3, 2024
Applicant’s appeal to the provost
May 17, 2024
Provost’s response to applicant.

Six-Year External Review Committees (SERC) AY22-23

February 2022
Provost’s Office distributes overview material to Deans, Associate Deans and Chairs. Distributed materials include:
1. Six-Year External Review Committee Program Overview
2. Charge to the Six-Year External Review Committee
3. Departmental Self-Study Preparation Guide
4. AY 2019-2020 SERC Expense Procedures
5. SERC Timeline
February 2022
Chair and department members initiate work on Self-Study.
February 25, 2022
Chair submits committee member nominations to Dean
March 4, 2022
Dean submits names (at least 4-6 recommendations) to Associate Director Irina Koroleva for review by the Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Assessment and Provost (after Chair confirms member’s interest and availability by phone).
March 14, 2022
Provost approves committee members and informs Deans in writing of team selected.
March 21, 2022
Dean or designee verbally notifies Six-Year External Review Committee members of selection and indicates formal letter of invitation to follow from Provost.
April 4, 2022
Chair makes contact with committee members, creates the MSU site or virtual visit agenda, and continues work on Self-Study. Note: The committee’s FINAL on-campus or virtual meeting should be with the Provost. Please contact the Provost’s office to ensure Provost’s availability before confirming any dates with the committee.
April 15, 2022
Upon confirmation of visitation dates, Provost sends letter to team members thanking them for their willingness to serve. The following materials are included in the mailing to team members:
1. Charge to the Six-Year External Review Committee
2. Departmental Self-Study Preparation Guide
3. Departmental Mission Statement/Statement of Goals and Objectives (provided to Provost’s Office by Chair or Department)
May 2, 2022
Chair submits an outline of the Self-Study to the Provost’s Office (submit to


No later than 4 weeks prior to visit
Chair sends self-study material to External Six-Year Review Committee members (with copies to Associate Provost Joanne Cote-Bonanno, Associate Director Irina Koroleva, Graduate School Dean, and Library Dean).
October/November 2022
Six-Year External Review Committee Visit (no later than November 30th).
30 Days after visit/ No later than December 31, 2022
Six-Year External Review Committee’s Report due to Dean and Department Chair (with copy to Associate Provost Joanne Cote-Bonanno, and Associate Director Irina Koroleva).
February 1, 2023
Departmental response to the Report due to Dean (with copy to Associate Provost Joanne Cote-Bonanno, and Associate Director Irina Koroleva).
March 1, 2023
Dean and Department responses to Six-Year External Review Committee’s Team Report report due to Associate Provost Joanne Cote-Bonanno and Associate Director Irina Koroleva
During April/May 2023
Provost meets with Dean and Chair to discuss plans for Department improvement.

Instructional/Clinical Specialist: Notification of Subsequent Appointment 

May 31, 2024
Last day to notify Instructional/Clinical Specialist of any subsequent appointment. 

Mid-Term Evaluation of Department Chairperson

October 19, 2023
VPAA notifies deans of departments needing  mid-term evaluation of department chairperson.
October 24, 2023
Dean notifies Department PAC of need for mid-term evaluation of department chairperson.
January 19, 2024
Department DPAC recommendation to Dean
February 2, 2024
Recommendation from dean to VPAA on mid-term evaluation of department chairperson.
March 1, 2024
Action by president on mid-term evaluation of department chairperson.

Recruitment of Full-Time Faculty – Fall 2024

Spring 2023
Recruitment authorization requests for full-time faculty submitted by department to dean.
June-July 2023
Recruitment authorization requests for full-time faculty submitted by dean to VPAA.
July-Aug 2023
VPAA requests for Position Announcements, recruitment plans and calendars from departments authorized to recruit full-time faculty.
Aug-Sept 2023
Review of Position Announcements by VPAA and requests for changes by VPAA
Ad copy forwarded by VPAA to deans and chairs for final review
Final Ad forwarded by VPAA to ad agency for publishing. VPAA – Final approval of the Recruitment process.
 March 2024
All searches and appointment recommendations for recruitment of full-time faculty to VPAA completed for appointment approval by April 2024 Board of Trustees meeting.

Separately Budgeted Research (SBR)
(Contingent on availability of budget funds)

 Timeline to be announced

Student Faculty Scholarship (SFS)
(Contingent on availability of budget funds)

 Timeline to be announced

Summer Grant Proposal Development (SGPD)
(Contingent on availability of budget funds)

 Timeline to be announced

University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meetings Dates

  • October 18, 2023
  • November 15, 2023
  • December 13, 2023
  • February 14, 2024
  • March 20, 2024
  • April 10, 2024
  • May 8, 2024

*Dates refer to initiation, completion, or submission (as appropriate) and are not subject to change without notification to and approval of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. Deadlines that fall on a Saturday or Sunday will be observed on the following business day unless otherwise noted. Website ©2001 Montclair State University.

Annual Report
May 1, 2024
Announce request for FY24 annual report submission
May 2-15, 2024
Divisional meetings for discussions with unit directors regarding FY24 annual reports
May 16-30, 2024
Individual meetings between vice presidents and unit directors to discuss FY24 annual report progress
June 12, 2024
Unit directors submit final FY24 annual report information to vice presidents
July 10, 2024
Vice presidents submit final division FY24 annual reports (including financial reports from SVPA and VPUA) to the president
July 31, 2024
President distributes draft of University FY24 annual report to Executive Council for comments
August 15, 2024
Final draft of University FY24 annual report (including final FY23 financial information to VPUA)
January 13, 2025
FY24 annual report published
Budget Development
November 2023
University’s FY2025 budget request submitted to State Treasury-OMB
February 2024
Executive Council reviews Budget Call memo
February 2024
Governor’s FY2025 budget message
March 2024
Budget Office distributes Budget Call memo to Vice Presidents and Deans
April 2024
Vice Presidents and Deans forward recommended budget requests to Budget Office
May 2024
President and Budget Office hold budget hearings with Vice Presidents and Deans
June 2024
President makes preliminary budget allocations
July 1, 2024
FY2025 begins
July 2024
FY2025 operating budget adjustments are made based on final State Appropriation
July 2024
Approval of the new fiscal budget by Board of Trustees

*This schedule is approximate and subject to change by the Budget Office.

Finance and Treasurer

Dates FOR FY2024 will be shared as soon as they are finalized.

*Dates refer to initiation, completion, or submission (as appropriate) and are not subject to change without notification to and approval of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. Deadlines that fall on a Saturday or Sunday will be observed on the following business day unless otherwise noted.

Office of the Registrar

For AY 2023-2024 (Dates Subject to Change)

University Registrar

Visit the University Registrar for Important Dates

Office of Student Accounts

Visit the Office of Student Accounts for Payment Information and Deadlines


*Dates refer to initiation, completion, or submission (as appropriate) and are not subject to change without notification to and approval of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. Deadlines that fall on a Saturday or Sunday will be observed on the following business day unless otherwise noted.

Personnel Actions - Faculty

Range Adjustment Program- AY2023-24

Fall 2023 UPDATE: Timeline will be proposed for all AY23-24 applications, and will be shared as soon as it is finalized between the Administration and Union.

Range adjustment applications may be filed and processed at any point in the academic year that the candidate believes he/she has met one of the criteria. Applications received within 90 calendar days of the end of the spring semester will not be processed until the succeeding academic year.

  1. Candidate’s application to Department Chair and Chair of DFRAC
  2. DFRAC’s written evaluation and recommendation forwarded to each candidate (within five working days)
  3. Written appeal by the candidate to DFRAC, if necessary (within five working days)
  4. Written response by DFRAC to candidate (within five working days)
  5. DFRAC forwards each candidate’s file to the Department Chair
  6. Department Chairperson’s written evaluation and recommendation forwarded to each candidate (within five working days)
  7. Written appeal by the candidate to the Department Chairperson, if necessary (within five working days)
  8. Written response by the Department Chairperson to the candidate (within five working days)
  9. Department Chairperson forwards each candidate file to the Dean
  10. Dean’s written evaluation and recommendation forwarded to each candidate (within five working days)
  11. Written appeal by the candidate to the Dean, if necessary (within five working days)
  12. Written response by the Dean to the candidate (within five working days)
  13. Dean forwards each candidate’s file to the VPAA
  14. VPAA’s written recommendation forwarded to each candidate
  15. VPAA forwards each candidate’s file to the President
  16. President informs each candidate of recommendation (within 10 working days)

Tenure/5th/4th/3rd Year Reappointments

Below are action dates for the movement and management of applications for reappointment, tenure (with promotion) and tenure.  At each level of review, up to the Provost, applicants have the opportunity to respond informally or formally to the reviewer.  That time period is between recommendation and final dates on the table below.  For formal responses, the LSPA stipulates the sequence for responses, generally 3 to 5 days should there be time needed for clarification or a disagreement. Please refer to the LSPA for relevant details regarding responses and proper timetables to do these.  Because we strive to have a positive and professional working relationship at all times, and tenure and promotion decisions are important, we commit to timely responses to applicants and reviewers throughout the process. All deadlines 4:30 pm Eastern Time

September 18, 2023 Candidate Application due in Interfolio on by 4:30 PM
September 28, 2023 DPAC/LPAC/SPAC Recommendation due to applicant
October 2, 2023 Last day for applicant to request conference with DPAC/LPAC/SPAC
October 4, 2023 Last day to hold conference with DPAC/LPAC/SPAC
October 6, 2023 DPAC/PAC/SPAC Final recommendation due to applicant
October 10, 2023 Last day to submit candidate written response

Application forwarded to Department Chair/ADF/Library Department Head for review (Does not apply to NURS)

October 24, 2023 Department Chair/ADF/Library Department Head recommendation due to applicant (Does not Apply to NURS)
October 26, 2023 Last day for applicant to request conference with Chair/ADF/Library Department Head (Does not Apply to NURS)
October 30, 2023 Last day to hold conference with Chair/ADF/Library Department Head (Does not Apply to NURS)
November 2, 2023 Final recommendation due to applicant from Chair/ADF/Library Department Head (Does not Apply to NURS)
November 6, 2023 Last day to submit candidate written response to Chair/ADF/Library Department Head (Does not Apply to NURS)

Application forwarded by Department Chair to Dean for review
Application forwarded by ADF to School Director
Application forwarded by Library Department Head to Associate Dean of Library

November 10, 2023 School Director recommendation to applicant
Associate Dean of Library recommendation to applicant
November 14, 2023 Last day for applicant to request conference with School Director

Last day for applicant to request conference with Associate Dean of Library

November 17, 2023 Last day to hold conference with School Director

Last day to hold conference with Associate Dean of Library

November 21, 2023 Final recommendation due to applicant from School Director

Final recommendation due to applicant from Associate Dean of Library

November 27, 2023 Last day to submit candidate written response to School Director; Application forwarded to Dean

Last day to submit candidate written response to Associate Dean of Library; Application forwarded to Dean

December 8, 2023 Dean initial recommendation due to applicant
December 13, 2023 Last day for applicant to request conference with dean
December 18, 2023 Last day to hold conference with dean
December 21, 2023 Dean final recommendation due to applicant
January 2, 2024 Last day to submit candidate written response; Application forwarded to Provost
January 8, 2024 Provost recommendation due to applicant
January 11, 2024 Last day for applicant to request conference with Provost
January 17, 2024 Last day to hold conference with Provost
January 19, 2024 Provost final recommendation to applicant; Application forwarded to President
January 26, 2024 President recommendation to applicant
February 9, 2024 Action by Board of Trustees

Reappointment- 2nd Year Reappointments

Below are action dates for the movement and management of applications for 2nd year reappointment. At each level of review, up to the Provost, applicants have the opportunity to respond informally or formally to the reviewer.  That time period is between recommendation and final dates on the table below.  For formal responses, the LSPA stipulates the sequence for responses, generally 3 to 5 days should there be time needed for clarification or a disagreement. Please refer to the LSPA for relevant details regarding responses and proper timetables to do these.  Because we strive to have a positive and professional working relationship at all times, we commit to timely responses to applicants and reviewers throughout the process. All deadlines 4:30 pm Eastern Time

October 27, 2023 Candidate Application due in Interfolio on by 4:30 PM
November 7, 2023 DPAC/LPAC/SPAC Recommendation due to applicant
November 10, 2023 Last day for applicant to request conference with DPAC/LPAC/SPAC
November 15, 2023 Last day to hold conference with DPAC/LPAC/SPAC
November 21, 2023 DPAC/LPAC/SPAC Final recommendation due to applicant
November 27, 2023 Last day to submit candidate written response

Application forwarded to Department Chair/ADF/Library Department Head for review (Does not apply to NURS)

December 8, 2023 Department Chair/ADF/Library Department Head recommendation due to applicant (Does not Apply to NURS)
December 12, 2023 Last day for applicant to request conference with Chair/ADF/Library Department Head (Does not Apply to NURS)


December 15, 2023


Last day to hold conference with Chair/ADF/Library Department Head (Does not Apply to NURS)
December 21, 2023 Department Chair/ADF/Library Department Head final recommendation due to applicant (Does not Apply to NURS)


December 28, 2023 Last day to submit candidate written response to Chair/ADF/Library Department Head (Does not Apply to NURS)


Application forwarded by Department Chair to Dean for review
Application forwarded by ADF to School Director
Application forwarded by Library Department Head to Associate Dean of Library


January 5, 2024 School Director recommendation to applicant
Associate Dean of Library recommendation to applicant
January 9, 2024 Last day for applicant to request conference with School Director

Last day for applicant to request conference with Associate Dean of Library

January 12, 2024 Last day to hold conference with School Director

Last day to hold conference with Associate Dean of Library

January 17, 2024 Final recommendation due to applicant from School Director

Final recommendation due to applicant from Associate Dean of Library

January 22, 2024 Last day to submit candidate written response to School Director; Application forwarded to Dean

Last day to submit candidate written response to Associate Dean of Library; Application forwarded to Dean

February 2, 2024 Dean initial recommendation due to applicant
February 8, 2024 Last day for applicant to request conference with dean
February 13, 2024 Last day to hold conference with dean
February 16, 2024 Dean final recommendation due to applicant
February 21, 2024 Last day to submit candidate written response; Application forwarded to Provost
March 6, 2024 Provost recommendation due to applicant
March 8, 2024 Last day for applicant to request conference with Provost
March 13, 2024 Last day to hold conference with Provost
March 15, 2024 Provost final recommendation due to applicant

Application forwarded to President

March 28, 2024 President recommendation to applicant
April 18, 2024 Action by Board of Trustees

1st Year Faculty and Librarian
February 2024

Department Chairs/Associate Directors for Faculty (ADF)+ and PAC Chairs will arrange for a conversation with each of their first-year, tenure-track faculty member(s)/Librarian to be completed no later than the end of February 2024. The goals are to:
  1. Assess the new faculty member’s progress and performance in his or her first year* and,
  2. Offer guidance and mentoring in anticipation of the new faculty member’s application for reappointment in the fall 2024 semester

* or his or her first semester for mid-year (January) hires

+ for faculty in the Cali School of Music, School of Communication and Media, and School of Computing

College/School Promotion and Special Contributions Promotions Procedures and
Growth Promotions for Librarians III, Librarian II and Librarian I

All deadlines 4:30pm Eastern Time

January 19, 2024 Candidate Application due in Interfolio on by 4:30 PM
January 26, 2024 DPAC/LPAC/SPAC Recommendation due to applicant
January 29, 2024 Last day for applicant to request conference with DPAC/LPAC/SPAC
February 1, 2024 Last day to hold conference with DPAC/LPAC/SPAC
February 5, 2024 DPAC/LPAC/SPAC Final recommendation due to applicant
February 9, 2024 Last day to submit candidate written response

Application forwarded to Department Chair/ADF/Library Department Head for review (Does not apply to NURS)

February 16, 2024 Department Chair/ADF/Library Department Head recommendation due to applicant (Does not Apply to NURS)
February 20, 2024 Last day for applicant to request conference with Chair/ADF/Library Department Head (Does not Apply to NURS)
February 23, 2024 Last day to hold conference with Chair/ADF/Library Department Head (Does not Apply to NURS)
February 27, 2024 Department Chair/ADF/Library Department Head final recommendation due to applicant (Does not Apply to NURS)
March 1, 2024 Last day to submit candidate written response to Chair/ADF/Library Department Head (Does not Apply to NURS)


Application forwarded by Department Chair to Dean for review
Application forwarded by ADF to School Director
Application forwarded by Library Department Head to Associate Dean of Library

March 7, 2024 School Director recommendation to applicant
Associate Dean of Library recommendation to applicant
March 11, 2024 Last day for applicant to request conference with School Director

Last day for applicant to request conference with Associate Dean of Library

March 14, 2024 Last day to hold conference with School Director

Last day to hold conference with Associate Dean of Library

March 18, 2024 Final recommendation due to applicant from School Director

Final recommendation due to applicant from Associate Dean of Library

March 20, 2024 Last day to submit candidate written response to School Director; Application forwarded to Dean

Last day to submit candidate written response to Associate Dean of Library; Application forwarded to Dean

April 3, 2024 Dean initial recommendation due to applicant
April 5, 2024 Last day for applicant to request conference with dean
April 10, 2024 Last day to hold conference with dean
April 12, 2024 Dean final recommendation due to applicant
April 15, 2024 Last day to submit candidate written response; Application forwarded to Provost
May 9, 2024 Provost recommendation due to applicant
May 14, 2024 Last day for applicant to request conference with Provost
May 17, 2024 Last day to hold conference with Provost
May 20, 2024 Provost final recommendation due to applicant

Application forwarded to President

May 23, 2024 President recommendation to applicant
June 6, 2024 Action by Board of Trustees


Sabbatical Leave – AY2024-25

All deadlines 4:30 pm Eastern Time

January 31, 2024 Candidate Application due to Primary Peer Review Committee (PPRC) and Dean in Interfolio by 4:30 PM for concurrent review
February 8, 2024 PPRC and Dean’s Separate Recommendation due to applicant
February 14, 2024 Last day for applicant to request conference with PPRC Chair and/or Dean.
February 20, 2024 Last day to hold conference with PPRC Chair and/or Dean or to submit a written response via Interfolio
February 26, 2024 PPRC and Dean’s final response due
March 1, 2024 Last day for applicant to submit final response via Interfolio;

Application forwarded to University Sabbatical Review Committee

March 21, 2024 University Sabbatical Review Committee (USRC) recommendation due to applicant
March 27, 2024 Last day for applicant to request conference with USRC Chair.
April 3, 2024 Last day to hold conference with USRC Chair and/or submit a written response via Interfolio
April 9, 2024 University Sabbatical Review Committee’s final recommendation due to applicant
April 15, 2024 Last day for applicant to submit final response via Interfolio;

Application forwarded to Provost

May 10, 2024 Provost recommendation due to applicant due
May 20, 2024 Last day applicant may meet with the Provost and/or provide a written response via Interfolio
May 22, 2024 Provost’s final recommendation due to applicant

Application forwarded to President

May 24, 2024 President recommendation to applicant
June 6, 2024 Action by Board of Trustees
June 11, 2024 Approved applicants notified of BOT Action

Librarian Range Adjustment Program- AY2023-24 (To be announced)

*Dates refer to initiation, completion, or submission (as appropriate) and are not subject to change without notification to and approval of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. Deadlines that fall on a Saturday or Sunday will be observed on the following business day unless otherwise noted.

Personnel Actions - Managerial/Professional Staff

The following pages on the Human Resources website outline the steps and schedules for evaluation and reappointment of Managerial and Professional Staff.

Managers – Evaluation and Reappointment

AFT Professional Staff – Evaluation and Reappointment

AFT Professional Staff – Performance-Based Promotion

Residence Halls

Residence Halls*

Residence Halls information is available at

*Dates are subject to change

Schedule of Meetings

The Wednesday Meeting Period is 1:30-5:30 PM during the Fall and Spring Terms. The meetings on this Schedule of Meetings are designated by the Administration in consultation with the Graduate Council, Local 1904 AFT, University Senate, and the University Undergraduate Curriculum Comittee. Other meetings should not be scheduled to conflict with the meetings in the Schedule of Meetings, except in unusual or extraordinary circumstances. Actual dates, times and locations for all meetings will be announced by the appropriate office.
August 29, 2023
Opening Day (Schedule does not follow the usual Wednesday meeting times):
Graduate Program Coordinators (9:30 a.m. –   10:30 a.m.) – To be confirmed
Divisional Meetings (9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.)
President’s Opening Day Address (11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)
College/School Meeting (1:30 p.m. –   2:30 p.m.)
Department Faculty Meeting (2:45 p.m. –   3:45 p.m.)
University Senate Meeting (4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
September 13, 2023
Graduate Council and Local 1904 AFT Meetings
September 20, 2023
University Senate and University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meetings
September 13, 2023
Board of Trustees Meeting
October 4, 2023
Department and College/School Meetings
October 11, 2023
Graduate Council and Local 1904 AFT Meetings
October 18, 2023
University Senate and University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meetings
October 26, 2023
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 1, 2023
Department and College/School Meetings
November 8, 2023
Graduate Council and Local 1904 AFT Meetings
November 15, 2023
University Senate and University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meetings
November 29, 2023
Department and College/School Meetings
December 6, 2023
Graduate Council and Local 1904 AFT Meetings
December 13, 2023
University Senate and University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meetings
December 14, 2023
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 17, 2024
Graduate Council and Local 1904 AFT Meetings
January 24, 2024
University Senate Meeting and University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meetings
January 31, 2024
Department and College/School Meetings
February 7, 2024
Graduate Council and Local 1904 AFT Meetings
February 9, 2024
Board of Trustees Meeting
February 14, 2024
University Senate and University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meetings
February 28, 2024
Department and College/School Meetings
March 6, 2024
Graduate Council and Local 1904 AFT Meetings
March 20, 2024
University Senate and University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meetings
March 27, 2024
Department and College/School Meetings
April 3, 2024
Graduate Council and Local 1904 AFT Meetings
April 10, 2024
University Senate and University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meetings
April 17, 2024
President’s Town Hall
April 18, 2024
Board of Trustees Meeting (new date)
April 24, 2024
Department and College/School Meetings
May 1, 2024
Graduate Council and Local 1904 AFT Meetings
May 8, 2024
University Senate and University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meetings
June 6, 2024
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 18, 2024
Board of Trustees Meeting
Summer and Winter Sessions

The Winter 2024 information is available by clicking Winter Session 2024.