Blossoming flowers on campus in spring

COPE Services

We provide healthy living curricula and workshops on topics such as:

  • Substance abuse
  • Hepatitis A, B & C
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs (for example club drugs, marijuana myths and facts, prescription drugs, cocaine and heroin)
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
  • Healthy relationships
  • Tobacco prevention
  • Pregnancy prevention
  • Career development (interviewing, resume building and the application process)
  • Gang awareness

The curricula that we use are:

Be Proud! Be Responsible!

Be Proud! Be Responsible is designed to reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS through behavioral change. Adolescents not only need information on perception of personal vulnerability, but they also need the skills and confidence in their ability to act safely.

Be Proud! Be Responsible! is a multi-module curriculum that provides adolescents with knowledge, motivation and skills necessary to change their behavior in ways that will reduce their risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. This multimedia curriculum has been evaluated and recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a “Program That Works.”


  1. Introduction to HIV & AIDS
  2. Building knowledge about HIV & AIDS
  3. Understanding vulnerability to HIV infection
  4. Attitudes & beliefs about HIV & safer sex
  5. Building negotiation and refusal skills
  6. Correct condom use

For more information go to Be Proud! Be Responsible!

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Focus on Youth

Focus on Youth (FOY) is a community-based intervention that provides youth with the skills and knowledge they need to protect themselves from HIV and other STIs. The curriculum, founded on the Protection Motivation Theory, uses fun, interactive activities such as games, role plays, and discussions to convey prevention knowledge and skills. There is also a short component for parents called Informed Parents and Children Together (ImPACT) that assists them in areas such as parental monitoring and effective communication.

  • Session 1: Trust Building and Group Cohesion
  • Session 2 : Risk and Values
  • Session 3: Obtaining Sexual Health Information
  • Session 4: Examining Consequences
  • Session 5: Assertive Communication
  • Session 6: Sexual Health & Showing You Care Without Having Sex
  • Session 7: Attitudes and Skills for Sexual Health
  • Session 8: Community Project

For more information go to Focus on Youth.

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LifeSkills Training

The LifeSkills Training Program is an exciting new breakthrough which not only prevents tobacco, alcohol, and drug abuse but teaches the knowledge and skills necessary to:

  • Increase your self-esteem
  • Increase your ability to make decisions and solve problems
  • Communicate effectively
  • Avoid misunderstandings
  • Manage anxiety
  • Make new friends
  • Stand up for your rights
  • Say “no” to unfair requests
  • Resist advertising pressures
  • Resist pressure to use drugs

For more information go to LifeSkills Training.

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Scenarios USA

Scenarios USA is an award-winning short film series written by teens for teens. The films discuss issues such as:

  • Body image
  • Parenthood
  • Pregnancy
  • Abstinence
  • Prevention
  • Sexual orientation
  • STIs
  • Substance abuse
  • Testing

For more information go to Scenarios USA.

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Street Smarts

The intervention focuses on providing access to health resources, making condoms available, training youth on personal skills, and training staff to help support the youth in changing their behavior. In small groups of five to six, the youth discussed the following topics:

  • Basics about HIV/STI risk
  • Assessing personal risk and avoiding sexual risk
  • The correct use of male and female condoms,
  • How substance use affects sexual control and judgment
  • Identifying and managing triggers for unsafe sex
  • Problem-solving

Each session, youth use a “Feeling Thermometer” to help them recognize and discuss their feelings. Youth are taught to practice coping skills and relaxation skills to control feelings of anxiety, depression, anger and desire. The intervention focuses on positive self-talk to build self-esteem, help with difficult situations, and increase self-efficacy for safer sex. Tokens of appreciation and compliments are exchanged among the youth to provide positive support for appropriate behavior and meeting HIV-related goals. Activities to promote positive attitudes, increase self-efficacy, and build effective communication, personal and technical skills include games, exercises, practicing and role-playing.

For more information go to Effective Interventions.

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