More than 50% of respondents reported having sexual intercourse.
More than 35% of the students had sexual intercourse for the first time before the age of 16.
More than 20% of the survey participants have had more than 4 sexual partners.
More than 12% of the students stated that they were physically forced to have sexual intercourse against their will.
Individual Risk Factors (Alcohol and Drug use)
More than 50% of students reported using alcohol, with more than 20% claiming that they were younger than 13 years of age when they had their first alcoholic beverage.
Approximately 33% of the respondents felt that it would be very easy to obtain alcohol.
About 33% of the students drank alcohol within the past 30 days, and more than 20% admitted to drinking five or more drinks in a row within a couple of hours.
More than 20% of the students reported marijuana use.
More than 20% claimed that it would be very easy for them to obtain drugs like cocaine, LSD or methamphetamines.
Individual Risk Factors (Other)
More than 40% of the respondents reported feeling unhappy, sad, or depressed within the six months prior to the survey
Peer Risk Factors
More than half of the respondents have friends who are gang members.
Family Risk Factors
More than 25% of the students reported that there is a lack of communication among their family members.
More than 20% of the students reported verbal conflict in their families.
Community Risk Factors
More than 65% of the respondents acknowledged drug selling and crime in their neighborhoods.