teachers during PD course


When does a person first step onto the pathway that leads to a profession as a STEM educator? The journey begins long before a new teacher first arrives at their classroom, with the first steps a childhood fascination with science or mathematics. The young mind of the future scientist educator may be captivated by the natural world around them or the satisfaction of resolving mathematical patterns. This intrinsic fascination with discovery must be nurtured by parents and teachers who provide sustained access to engaging learning experiences.

Eventually that child grows into a STEM teacher who arrives for the very first day in their very own classroom – where the next critical chapter of professional growth and development begins. Our in-service STEM teachers must remain inspired and motivated, and access to engaging professional development opportunities are essential.

This is where Professional Resources in Science and Mathematics (PRISM) comes in. Our workshops, conferences, and collaborative learning communities enable teachers to stay updated on the latest advancements in STEM fields and to exchange ideas with colleagues. Access to resources like curriculum materials, technology tools, and research-based practices helps STEM teachers innovate and adapt teaching methods to the evolving needs of their students. A place for continuous learning and reflection encourages STEM teachers to engage in self-assessment and seek feedback to improve their practice. By providing opportunities for the professional growth of STEM teachers, PRISM is committed to supporting and inspiring our STEM teachers to remain passionate about their fields and equipped to nurture the budding scientists and STEM educators in their K-12 classrooms.