Aerial shot of Montclair State University's campus.

Message to 2024 Graduates

Posted in: News for Faculty & Staff, News for Students, Speeches

Based on social media and mainstream news coverage, you’d think all of American higher ed is a chaotic hellscape of discord and unrest. If more people caught a glimpse of Montclair State University’s commencement ceremonies on Monday, they would have a very different view and be left, like I am, with a sense of optimism. 

Yes, our graduates are celebrating their achievement during perilous times; war, social division, climate change, and much more face the class of 2024. But their success serves as a glowing reminder that belief in the possibility of tomorrow – belief that things can be better – is a powerful antidote. These students had a vision of walking across that stage with their diploma, and they did not let obstacles (including a global pandemic that deprived many of them of a high school graduation and a normal start to college) deter them from that goal. They didn’t accept the notion that they couldn’t do it because it was daunting in ways they hadn’t imagined.

We can all learn from this incredibly diverse group of students, most of whom worked while pursuing their degrees. Many speak English as a second language and overcame health challenges while in school. The majority are the first in their family to graduate from college. They are united by pride in their accomplishments and hope they carry for their families and communities.

As a nation, we can’t lose confidence in our ability to be more humane, more empathetic, and bigger than the challenges in front of us. This generation will help by bringing to the table new skills, modern values, fresh eyes, and a sense of shared humanity. So I encourage graduates not to lose those traits and, as they embark on the next phase, ask of them two things that we should all strive for:

One, don’t join the naysayers on social media. There are more than enough people who want to criticize and tear others down. In the words of Cicero, criticize by what you create. It takes courage and imagination to find real solutions, and that’s what I want Montclair grads to do. You might get fewer clicks, but you’ll light the path forward. 

Two, resist the urge to hate your opponents. Learn from the likes of leaders like Nelson Mandela and Mohandas Gandhi, and refrain from mobilizing action by stoking division and resentment. Match passion and confidence with humility and empathy. 

Check out my full message to our 2024 graduates below.