A man standing in front of a giant red hawk statue speaks to a group of people about Montclair State University.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Montclair State University Pre-College Summer?

It’s a one-week, residential summer academic program for high school students where they’ll get hands-on instruction from outstanding Montclair faculty in one of several exciting disciplines. In addition to academics, students will get a taste of college life by living in dorms, eating in campus dining facilities, and meeting students from other programs. It’s a great way to learn more about an area of interest and take an important step towards your college future.

Who is eligible?

Rising 10th through 12th graders are eligible for the program.

What are the dates?

Sunday, July 14 – Saturday, July 20, 2024.

Which academic programs are available?
  • Animation & VFX
  • Business Entrepreneurship Week
  • Computer Science: Cyber Security & Hacking
  • Film and Television Production
  • Law & Order: Understanding America’s Criminal Justice System
  • Model United Nations
  • Pre-Medical Professions
  • Social Media Success: Influencing, Marketing, and Creative Strategy
  • Sports Communication
  • Summertime in the Big Apple: Exciting Excursions in New York City
  • The Craft of Acting
  • Wall Street and the Investment Experience
What will a day look like? How long will I be in class?

For most programs, students will be in their academic classes from approximately 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with a break for lunch. You’ll spend the rest of your time enjoying all of the other aspects of campus and residential life. The Summertime in the Big Apple program will take excursions to NYC each day of the program and join their fellow students when they return. All other programs will take one field trip during the program to meet with leaders in the field.

Where will I live? Where will I eat?

Students will live in Blanton Hall in a suite-style space consisting of two adjoining double rooms connected by one bathroom. Our residential life staff will oversee recreational evening activities and ensure everyone’s well-being throughout the program. Students will eat in Montclair’s dining hall Sam’s Place, located just a short walk from Blanton Hall. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided for all students.Please note that vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free options are available.

What will we do besides class?

Lots! First, all programs will take a field trip to meet with professionals in the field. And every evening, our residential staff will lead fun activities for all students, including opportunities for recreation and sports, interactive games, and enjoying leisure time in communal spaces. Of course, students may use some evening time to work on group projects with their classmates. Regardless of your program, you won’t be bored.

Can I bring my car?

Students cannot bring cars to campus.

Can I have visitors during the program?

Students may not have visitors during the 1-week program.

What should I bring?

All students should bring comfortable clothing for the week, including leisure and recreational clothing as well as appropriate clothing for a field trip. There are laundry facilities in the dorms, but we expect that most students may be too busy to want to use them. Students should bring all toiletries and personal items. In some programs (including Film & Television), it is critical to have closed toe shoes during production. A suggested “packing” list will be sent in June as well as specific information about your specific program from your program director. While all meals will be provided (as well as snacks available in the classroom), students are welcome to bring their favorite snacks and other items that make them feel comfortable. Students will not be leaving campus (other than their field trip) during the week.

While it is not required, we recommend that students bring their own laptop computers if they have them. This will facilitate independent and group work when you return to the dorms. Additionally, students should bring writing tools (pens/pencils) and a notebook or binder.

Finally, students may want to bring some limited spending money (or credit) to buy shirts, hats, or other items from the campus store and for field trips. We do not encourage students to bring excessive cash to campus.

Who do I contact for more information?

For general information about pre-college or your application, please contact precollege@montclair.edu. For questions about a particular academic program, please contact the program director (their contact information is found on individual program pages).

Are there additional forms I’ll need to fill out?

Yes. Once students have been accepted and submitted their deposit, you will receive a request for additional information, including a health form, emergency information, drop-off and pick-up information, and other information that you’d like to share with program administrators. In early July, you will receive an online packet that provides additional detailed information about pre-college and the exciting week ahead of you.

How do I apply?

Applications are available now through June 10. Apply soon as seats are limited!

How and when do I pay?

A $500 non-refundable deposit is due within 3 weeks of acceptance and the remainder of the balance is due no later than June 10, 2024. Payments are accepted online through the Touchnet Payment Portal listed in your acceptance letter.

Will there be supervision during the program?

There will be adult supervision throughout the program including Montclair State University staff, RAs and the Resident Director.