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End of Employment

About This Policy

Responsible Office
Human Resources

The University will process terminations consistent with relevant University policies and procedures when employees leave the employ of the University, whether on a voluntary or involuntary basis. The end of employment may be due to an employee’s resignation, discharge, retirement, or reduction in force.


Upon resignation, all employees are requested to submit a written letter of resignation to their immediate supervisor prior to their last day of employment. A minimum of two weeks’ notice is requested. When a supervisor receives written notification that an employee is leaving, he/she must notify the divisional vice president of this circumstance and the vice president should respond to the employee’s letter. The letter of resignation and the vice president’s response should be forwarded to the Division of Human Resources. The employee should then be referred to the Director of Unclassified Staffing to begin the separation process.

If an employee phones in a resignation, or otherwise verbally notifies the supervisor of intent to leave employment, the supervisor should attempt to obtain a letter of resignation from the employee. The Director of Unclassified Staffing will conduct an exit interview over the telephone or in writing if the employee is unable or unwilling to schedule an appointment with Human Resources.

Responsibility of the Supervisor

Performance Reviews

In order to maintain continuity of the performance review process, all managers and/or supervisors who are leaving the employ of the University must complete the appropriate Performance Review forms for all of their classified staff. Completed forms must be submitted to the Assessment Coordinator in the Division of Human Resources prior to the last day of employment.

Applicability of Guidelines for Responsible Computing

Supervisors should, with the assistance of the Information Technology Department, limit or cancel access to computer accounts in the employee’s area of responsibility and ensure relevant e-mail files are retained in the department. This change in access should be consistent with operational considerations and based on the length of time between the notification of termination and the actual departure date. Where circumstances warrant, please consult with Human Resources. In addition, the supervisor should arrange to have a representative from the Division of Human Resources present when a terminating employee is cleaning out his/her desk and/or office. These procedures should also be followed when an employee is being reassigned for reasons of performance or discipline.

When employees are terminating their employment in any particular office or at the University, the Guidelines for Responsible Computing shall apply. As stated in Guidelines for Appropriate Computing Behavior, “If an employee creates, alters or deletes any electronic information contained in, or posted to, any campus computer or affiliated network, it will be considered forgery.” The section on Violations of The Guidelines states, “Violations of the University Guidelines for Responsible Computing are treated like any other ethical violation as outlined in the Student Handbook, relevant contractual agreements, and applicable faculty and staff handbooks. Violators may be subject to prosecution under applicable federal and New Jersey statutes.”

Responsibility of the Employee leaving the University

Employee Separation Form

All employees, irrespective of whether termination is involuntary or voluntary, are required to obtain the requisite signatures on the Employee Separation Form, which is available from the Benefits Office in the Division of Human Resources. This form will ensure that all paperwork and administrative details (i.e. final paycheck, computer accounts, returning equipment, parking and library fines, etc.) are completed prior to the last day of employment. When all signatures from the various departments are obtained, the Employee Separation Form should be submitted to the Director of Unclassified Staffing at the scheduled exit interview.

Exit Interview

The purpose of the exit interview is to provide the employee with information concerning the expiration or conversion of medical, dental and life insurance benefits, COBRA and pension plan distribution. It will also ensure that University property, such as ID card/gate pass, parking permit, employee handbook, keys and University equipment (computers, cell phones, pagers, etc.), is properly returned to the appropriate departments.

Information obtained during an exit interview shall be regarded as confidential in nature and shall not be a part of the employee’s personnel file, nor shall it be used in any determination concerning potential rehire. Data collected in the interview process shall be used solely for statistical reporting in identifying areas in which the University may want to improve its performance with respect to its employees.

Note: The exit interview will provide the employee with the opportunity to express his/her reasons for leaving and opinions regarding benefits, wages, management style and other issues he/she may wish to communicate.

Additional information for employees leaving Montclair State University.

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