Laptop Lending Policy
About This Policy
- Last Updated
- 08/24/2021
- Policy Owner
- Information Technology
- Responsible Office
- Information Technology
- Policy Contact
Short-term laptop rentals are available in the Sprague Library Laptop Lending Lab. They can be loaned out for a period of four hours, with the option to renew a different laptop if available.
All laptops must be returned to an IT Lab Assistant at the laptop lending desk.
- Laptops are available to current Montclair State Students only, on a first come, first served basis with a valid Montclair State University ID. (Any non-University student, faculty or staff member in need of a laptop may request a loaner from the IT Service Desk.
- You are allowed to take the laptop outside of the building, with the proviso that the borrower properly cares for the equipment while it is in his/her possession and that it is returned on time.
- The borrower must abide by all Computing Lab Policies and the Policy on Responsible Use of University Computing Resources.
- The laptop must be in the possession of the individual who signed for it at all times. The borrower is responsible for the equipment if it was lost, stolen and/or damaged.
- You should immediately report any problems with the rented device to the IT Lab Assistant at the laptop lending desk.
- There is no eating or drinking allowed near the loaned laptop.
- The laptops are not equipped with a floppy or CD/DVD drive. All files created and saved on the desktop of the laptop are erased upon restart of the laptop. For this purpose, please save files to an external drive or a network share. Neither Montclair State University nor the Division of Information Technology is responsible for any computer viruses that may be transferred to or from a user’s disk or network account.
- Printing: The default for printing is simplex and can be retrieved from the printers located in the Sprague Library Laptop Lending Lab. Print jobs will be held for one (1) hour and then discarded accordingly.
- The laptop must remain powered on upon returning to the IT Lab Assistant at the laptop lending desk; the borrower must wait for the IT Lab Assistant to examine the laptop to ensure that it is in good working order. This process may take between 5 – 10 minutes so you must be prepared to wait for an official check-in.
- Potential damage fees:
- Lost PC laptop- $900
- Liquid damage- Will result in the cost of the laptop itself as it is not covered under warranty
- Other damages (i.e., LCD, chassis, keyboard) – based upon actual repair costs
Statement of Liability
- By borrowing a laptop, the borrower agrees to the terms and conditions of this policy. Failure to comply with this policy will result in one or more of the following:
- For the 4-hour laptop rental: $15 fine for every hour the equipment is returned late. Note: After four (4) hours the laptop is considered lost or stolen, and you will be billed for its replacement up to a maximum of $900.
- For laptops that are considered stolen, a police report will be filed and possible subjection to prosecution under applicable federal and New Jersey statutes.
- Loss of laptop loan privileges for the semester/academic year for any repeat offenders (late more than 3 times) or anyone who damages the laptop.
- Cases will be reported to the Dean of Students for adjudication under the University Code of Conduct with sanctioning ranging from University probation up to expulsion from the University.
- Damage, late or loss charges will be applied directly to the borrower’s University account. Based on the amount charged, a possible hold will be placed on the borrower’s University account.