Fall 2022
- 19 October 2022 (Wednesday), 12:00pm, Richardson Hall 256 (in-person only), Physics Dept. seminar
Infrared and far-infrared lasers: lessons and reflections, Dr. Mike Jackson (New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology) - 9 November 2022 (Wednesday), 12:00pm, Richardson Hall 256 (in-person only), Physics Dept. seminar
Cosmology using gravitational-waves, Dr. Shaon Ghosh (Montclair State University) - 7 December 2022 (Wednesday), 12:00pm, Richardson Hall 256 (in-person only), CSAM Career Services/Physics Club event
Careers in Physics Panel Discussion
Spring 2022
- 16 March 2022 (Wednesday), 10:45am, Richardson Hall 256 (in-person only), Physics Dept. seminar
Polarizability of the Neutron: What is it and how do we measure it?, Dr. Gerald Feldman (George Washington University) - 16 March 2022 (Wednesday), 2:00pm, Richardson Hall 256 (in-person only), Physics Dept. seminar
Establishing a Collaborative Student-Centered Learning Environment using the SCALE-UP Pedagogy, Dr. Gerald Feldman (George Washington University)
Fall 2021
- 29 September 2021 (Wednesday), 4:00pm, Richardson Hall 201 (in-person and on Zoom), Physics Dept./Physics Club/SIAM lecture
Observing the Universe with Gravitational Waves, Dr. Marc Favata (Montclair State University) - 20 October 2021 (Wednesday), 11:30am (on Zoom with live-streamed viewing in Richardson 201), Physics Dept./Physics Club lecture, MSU Library event
Nuclear New Jersey: Princeton and the Atomic Bomb, 1939-45, Dr. Michael Gordin (Princeton University) - 20 October 2021 (Wednesday), 4:00pm (on Zoom), SIAM/Physics dept/Physics Club lecture
An introduction to the basic concepts of quantum computing, Dr. Stephen Schnetzer (Rutgers University) - 21 October 2021 (Thursday), 7:00pm, Schmitt Hall 327 (in-person + Zoom live-stream), Physics Dept./CSAM evening lecture, MSU Library event
The Tuballoy Project: Bloomfield’s Westinghouse plant and uranium production for the Atomic Bomb, Dr. Alex Wellerstein (Stevens Institute of Technology) - 10 November 2021 (Wednesday), 11:30am, Richardson Hall 201 (in-person + Zoom live-stream), Physics Dept./Physics Club lecture, MSU Library event
Einstein’s Letter: The campaign to build “the Bomb” before the Germans, Dr. Steve Gimbel (Gettysburg College) - 17 November 2021 (Wednesday), 11:30am, Richardson Hall 256 (in-person only), Physics Dept./Physics Club lecture
Many-body physics with spin states of trapped Rydberg atoms, Dr. Svetlana Malinovskaya (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Spring 2021
- 10 February 2021 (Wednesday), 8:00pm (on Zoom), NJAG/Astronomy Club monthly lecture
The Wacky World of Quantum Mechanics, Dr. Jeremy Carlo (Villanova University) - 17 February 2021 (Wednesday), 1:35pm (on Zoom, non-public), Physics Club event
Physics Club beginning of semester welcome event - 10 March 2021 (Wednesday), 8:00pm (on Zoom), NJAG/Astronomy Club monthly lecture
What Tilts Planets’ Orbits?, Dr. Eric Jensen (Swarthmore College) - 17 March 2021 (Wednesday), 12:30pm (on Zoom, non-public), Physics Club event
Physics Bridge Programs, Lita de la Cruz (Princeton University) - 31 March 2021 (Wednesday), 11:30pm (on Zoom, non-public), Physics Club event
Fermi Problems and the Fermi Paradox - 14 April 2021 (Wednesday), 8:00pm (on Zoom), NJAG/Astronomy Club monthly lecture
Perseverance on Mars, Dr. Michael Lewis (NASA JPL) - 28 April 2021 (Wednesday), 11:30am (on Zoom, public, email Marc Favata for link), Department Colloquium
Advanced gravitational-wave detectors and beyond: Improving sensitivity with Faraday isolators
Prof. Rodica Martin (Montclair State University) - 12 May 2021 (Wednesday), 11:30am (Zoom, non-public), Physics Club & Department Event
Physics Club End-of-Year Gathering, Scholarship Awards, and Graduating Senior Recognition Event - 12 May 2021 (Wednesday), 8:00pm (on Zoom), NJAG/Astronomy Club monthly lecture
MSU student research projects
Fall 2020
- 16 September 2020 (Wednesday), 2:00pm (on Zoom, non-public), Physics Club & Department event
Physics Club start-of-semester virtual gathering - 7 October 2020 (Wednesday), 3:00pm (on Zoom, non-public), Physics club event
Physics club get-together - 21 October 2020 (Wednesday), 2:00pm (on Zoom, non-public), Physics Club & Department event
Career Advice, Prof. Marc Favata - 4 November 2020 (Wednesday), 5:00pm (on Zoom, non-public), CSAM Career Services & Physics Club event
CSAM Physics Careers Night - 11 November 2020 (Wednesday), 2:00pm (on Zoom, public), MSU Library, Physics Club, & Department event
Prof. Alfredo Carnevali, Montclair State University
Nuclear Weapons in Space: From “Star Wars” to “Space Force” - 2 December 2020 (Wednesday), 2:00pm (on Zoom, non-public), Physics Club & Department event
Overview of the Green Teams Program (by Dr. Amy Tuininga) and end-of-semester gathering
Spring 2020
- 29 January 2020 (Wednesday), 3:15pm-4:15pm in RI-201, Department Colloquium, Physics Club
Dr. Hyunsoo Kim, University of Maryland
Quantum materials research and high-spin topological superconductivity - 5 February 2020 (Wednesday), 3:00pm-4:00pm in RI-256, Department Colloquium, Physics Club
Prof. Kent Leung, North Carolina State University
To see a world in a grain of sand: what neutrons can tell us about the Universe - 12 February 2020 (Wednesday), 3:00pm-4:00pm in RI-201, Department Colloquium, Physics Club
Dr. Nicholas Schade, University of Chicago
Classical E&M with a twist: a geometric Hall effect without magnetic field - 18 February 2020 (Tuesday), 2:45pm-3:45pm in RI-201, Department Colloquium, Physics Club
Prof. Martin Lichtman, Bates College
Quantum computing and the taming of Schrodinger’s cat - 19 February 2020 (Wednesday), 3pm-4pm in RI-256, PHYS 198 seminar, Physics Club
Prof. Shaon Ghosh, Montclair State University
Understanding neutron stars using gravitational waves - [cancelled or postponed] 18 March 2020 (Wednesday), 4:00pm-5:00pm in RI-201, Department Colloquium, Physics Club
CSAM Career Fair - [cancelled] 25 March 2020 (Wednesday), 4:00pm-5:00pm in RI-201, Department Colloquium, Physics Club
Prof. Insuk Jang, Montclair State University
An overview of black holes: history and remaining questions - [cancelled] 22 April 2020 (Wednesday), 11am – 4pm, Student Center Quad, Physics Club and department event
Physics Day! - [cancelled] 29 April 2020 (Wednesday), time TBD, Physics Club and Department event, PHYS 198
End-of-the-semester party and award recognition
Fall 2019
- 11 September 2019, 3:00pm-5pm in RI-201, Physics Club event
Physics & Astronomy fall semester welcome party - 18 September 2019, 3:30pm-5pm in RI-201, Physics Club event
Physics Department Faculty
Physics Student Advising Day - 25 September 2019, 3:30pm-5pm in RI-201, Department Colloquium
Prof. Jihun Kim, Montclair State University
Quantum Gravity in a Nutshell - 26 September 2019, 7pm-8pm in CELS 120, MSU Library sponsored event
Prof. Marc Favata, Montclair State University
The Scientific Legacy of Apollo - 9 October 2019, 4pm-5pm in RI-201, Physics Club event
Prof. Marc Favata and Ms. Gennae Hinson
Career Advice for Physics Majors - 16 October 2019, 2:30pm-6:30pm in University Hall Conference Center, 7th floor. Sponsored by CSAM.
CSAM Professional Development Fair - 16 October 2019, 3:30pm-5pm in Science Hall 102 (Sokol Room), Physics Club and University College event, sponsored by MSU Library
Prof. Terry Hart, Lehigh University and former NASA astronaut
The Past, Present, and Future of Space Exploration - 23 October 2019, 3:30pm-5pm in RI-201, Department Colloquium
Prof. Camelia Prodan, NJIT
Topological Dynamics from Life Science to Metamaterials - 30 October 2019, 3:30pm-5pm in RI-201, Physics Club event
Mr. Shawn Connolly, Vice President for University Facilities, Montclair State University
Campus Microgrid: discussion and group tour [article/video] - 6 November 2019, 3:00pm-4:00pm in RI-256, Physics Club event
Jonathan Norton, Inradoptics
A MSU Physics Alumnus’ Experience: From Teaching to Optics - 13 November 2019, 3pm-4pm in RI-201, Physics Club event, sponsored by MSU Library
Dr. Roger Launius, former NASA Chief Historian and Associate Director at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum
Apollo: 50 Years Later - 13 November 2019, 4pm-5pm in RI-201, Physics Club event
Lt. Sangjoon Jin, US Navy
The Nuclear Navy - 13 November 2019, 7pm-8pm in CELS-120, sponsored by MSU Library
Dr. Roger Launius, former NASA Chief Historian and Associate Director at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum
Buzz Aldrin and the Apollo 11 Mission - 13 November 2019, 8pm-9pm in CELS-110, NJAG monthly lecture
Prof. Jillian Bellovary, CUNY Queensboro Community College and American Museum of Natural History
How to Build a Supermassive Black Hole - 20 November 2019, 3:30pm-5pm in RI-201, Department Colloquium
Prof. Catalin Martin, Ramapo College
Superconductivity: Why it keeps fascinating scientists 100 years after its discovery
- 4 December 2019, 3pm-4pm in RI-256, Physics Club event
End-of-semester celebration - 4 December 2019, 4pm-5pm in RI-256, Physics Club event
Peter Taylor, Hofstra University
Medical Physics: Professional Pathways and the Role of Advanced Imaging in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer
- 13 February 2019, 8:00pm – 9:00pm in CELS 110, NJAG Monthly Seminar
Prof. Hyumin Kim, NJIT
Doing Solar Physics While Living in Antarctica - (TO BE RESCHEDULED) 20 February 2019, 3:00 pm – 4:30pm in CELS 120, Department Colloquium
Prof. Catalin Martin, Ramapo College
Superconductivity: Why it keeps fascinating scientists 100 years after its discovery
- 13 March 2019, 8:00pm – 9:00pm in CELS 110, NJAG Monthly Seminar
Ken Udani, NJAG
The Arecibo Radio Telescope - 26 March 2019, 2:30pm – 4:00pm in CELS Atrium, CSAM/University College Event
Major Madness
Come learn about Physics and other CSAM majors! - 27 March 2019, 3:00pm – 4:30pm in TBD, Department Colloquium
Dr. Kevin Miller, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA’s Work in Exoplanet Hunting Satellites and Robotic Servicing of Satellites - 10 April 2019, 8:00pm – 9:00pm in CELS 110, NJAG Monthly Seminar
Adam Broussard, Rutgers
Starburst! Looking at Galaxies as Stellar Factories - 17 April 2019, 11:00am – 3:00pm, Student Center and Annex/Quad, Department/Physics Club Event
Physics Day!
Come learn and experience why Physics is awesome! - 24 April 2019, 3:00pm – 5:00pm in RI-114, Department/Physics Club Event
End of the Year Party
Celebrate the end of the academic year and our scholarship awardees! - 1 May 2019, 3:00pm – 4:00pm in CELS 120, CSAM/Physics Event
Prof. Erika Hamden, University of Arizona
Open Discussion/Q&A on “Challenges for Women in Science” - 1 May 2019, 4:00pm – 5:00pm in CELS 120, Department Colloquium
Prof. Erika Hamden, University of Arizona
The Ups and Downs of Scientific Ballooning - 8 May 2019, 8:00pm – 9:00pm in CELS 110, NJAG Monthly Seminar
various student speakers
Montclair State physics student research updates - 12 June 2019, 8:00pm – 9:00pm in CELS 110, NJAG Monthly Seminar
Mary Ducca, Amateur Astronomers Inc (AAI) and NJAG
My Northern Lights Adventure - 10 July 2019, 8:00pm – 9:00pm in CELS 110, NJAG Monthly Seminar
Chris Mauro, NJAG
The Apollo 11 Moon Landing Program - 3 December 2018 at 11:15am in CCIS 212, Department Colloquium/Faculty Candidate Research Presentation
Dr. Chiara Mingarelli, Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute
Pulsar Timing Arrays: The Next Window to Open on the Gravitational-Wave Universe - 12 December 2018 at 4:00 pm in CCIS 133, Department Colloquium/Faculty Candidate Research Presentation
Dr. Sarah Vigeland, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Detecting Low-Frequency Gravitational Waves with Pulsar Timing Arrays - 13 December 2018 at 4:00 pm in CELS 225, Department Colloquium/Faculty Candidate Research Presentation
Dr. Shaon Ghosh, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
From the Ashes of a Pair of Neutron Stars: The Tale of a Kilonova - 17 December 2018 at 3:00 pm in RI 117, Department Colloquium/Faculty Candidate Research Presentation
Dr. Timothy Pennucci, Eotvos Lorand University
Pulsar Potpourri: A Sampling of What We Can Learn from Neutron Stars - 20 December 2018 at 4:00 pm in CELS 110, Department Colloquium/Faculty Candidate Research Presentation
Dr. Michael Lam, West Virginia University
Gravitational Wave Astronomy with a Next-Generation Pulsar Timing Array Detector
[Listings prior to July 2018 include physics and math seminars as part of the Mathematical Sciences Department.]
- May 1 2017 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 102 the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
Keith Weber, Rutgers University
How students perceive lectures in advanced mathematics - April 24 2017 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 102 the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
Daniel Abrams, Northwestern University
Careful or colorful? The evolution of animal ornaments - April 17 2017 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 102 the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
Jorge Trueba, Montclair State University
Exploring the morphodynamics of river deltas and barrier islands with simple models - April 10 2017 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 102 the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
Andrada Ivanescu, Montclair State University
Dynamic Child Growth Prediction: A Comparative Methods Approach - March 27 2017 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 102 the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
Gary Gordon, Lafayette University
Trees and subtrees - March 13 2017 at 3:00 PM in Science Hall room 102 the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
Diane Henderson, Penn State University
Models of and Experiments on Downshifting of Freely-Propagating, Surface-Gravity Waves - February 27 2017 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 102 the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
Deming Zhuang, Citigroup Model Risk Management
Applications of mathematics in the financial industry - February 23 2017 at 10:15 a.m. in CELS room 110
Virgil Pierce, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Enumeration of Ribbon Graphs Using Complex Gaussian Random Variables - February 22 2017 at 10:20 a.m. in Richardson Hall room 261, Department Seminar
Collin Capano, Albert Einstein Institute
The detection and analysis of the first gravitational-wave observations - February 21 2017 at 9:00 a.m. in CELS room 110
Ben Herbst, Stellenbosch University
Computation in Science - February 10 2017 at 11:00 a.m. in Richardson Hall room 231, Department Seminar
Rodica Martin, Montclair State University
The Advanced LIGO Interferometer – preparing the beam for detection of gravitational waves - February 7 2017 at 9:00 a.m. in CELS room 110, Department Seminar
Weimin Han, University of Iowa
Numerical Analysis of Hemivariational Inequalities - February 3 2017 at 11:00 a.m. in Richardson Hall room 231, Department Seminar
Brian Anderson, University of Maryland and National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)
Better Living Through Quantum Mechanics - January 31 2017 at 10:30 a.m. in CELS room 110, Department Seminar
Michael Ferrara, University of Colorado Denver
Sequence Packings and STEM CLUSTERS: A Research Overview in Two Parts - January 30 2017 at 4:15 p.m. in Richardson Hall room 222, Department Seminar
Sanghyun Lee, Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences University of Texas at Austin
Enriched Galerkin Approximations for Coupled Flow and Transport in Porous Media - January 27 2017 at 11:30 a.m., in Richardson Hall room 222, Department Seminar
Longhua Zhao, Department of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics, Case Western Reserve University
Fluid-structure interactions with biological applications
- December 12 2016 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 102 the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
David Trubatch, Montclair State University
Wave breaking in the Short-Pulse Equation - December 5 2016 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 102 the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
Nicholas Wasserman, Teachers College – Columbia University
Addressing the Dilemma of Advanced Mathematics in Secondary Teacher Preparation: The Case of a Real Analysis Course - November 14 2016 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 102 the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
Soutir Bandyopadhyay, Lehigh University
Wendland meets Markov: Kriging for LARGE spatial data - November 7 2016 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 102, the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
Amir Sajjadi, Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital
Optical Near Infrared Imaging; From breast cancer imaging to monitoring phase transition in adipose tissues - October 24 2016 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 102 the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
David Shirokoff, NJIT
Approximate global minimizers for pairwise interaction problems - October 10 2016 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 102 the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
Erika Hamden, California Institute of Technology
FIREBall-2: upcoming UV observations of the circumgalactic medium - September 26 2016 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 102 the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
Janet Striuli, Fairfield University
Uniform bounds for free resolutions - September 12 2016 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 102 the Sokol Room, Department Colloquium
Erin Krupa, Montclair State University
Undergraduate Students’ Knowledge of Algebra in the Math Emporium: Effective for whom and for what? - July 13 2016 at 8:00 p.m. in CELS room 110, Astronomy Club Seminar
Jay Gowers
Planetary Probes: Exploring the Solar System and Beyond - June 8 2016 at 8:00 p.m. in CELS room 110, Astronomy Club Seminar
Tolga Gumusayak
The Physics Behind Astrophotography - May 11 2016 at 8:00 p.m. in CELS room 110, Astronomy Club Seminar
Students presenting their projects in astronomy and physics
Montclair State University Student Projects - May 2 2016 at 3:45 PM in CELS room 110, Mathematics Education Seminar
Dr. Luis A. Leyva, Recent PhD graduate from Rutgers Graduate School of Education.
Mapping the margins [in mathematics] - April 27 2016 at 4:15 p.m. in Richardson Hall room 222, Department Colloquium
Mathematical Science Students present their research.
Student Research - April 20 2016 at 4:15 p.m. in Richardson Hall room 222
Pure and applied seminar by the two visiting Chinese scholars - April 13 2016 at 8:00 p.m. in CELS room 110
Dr. Marc Favata, mathematical sciences department, will be discussing the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)
The First Detection of Gravitational Waves by LIGO – 8 p.m. - April 13 2016 at 4:00 p.m. in CELS room 120
Dr. Marc Favata, mathematical sciences department, will be discussing the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)
The First Detection of Gravitational Waves by LIGO – 4 p.m. - February 10 2016 at 8:00 p.m. in CELS room 207
Jana Grcevich, American Museum of Natural History
The Dark Matter of Ghost Galaxies - February 10 2016 at 3:45 p.m. in Richardson Hall room 223
Dr. Steven Greenstein, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, CSAM.
Topology, Technology, and Children’s Ideas - February 4 2016, All Day in Richardson Hall room 224
Pulsars: precision tools for understanding the Universe
Rob Ferdman, Research Associate, Interview
- December 9 2015 at 8:00 p.m. in CELS room 207
Astronomy Club Seminar - December 9 2015 at 3:45 p.m. in CELS room 225
Teo Paoletti, Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences
Reasoning Quantitatively to Develop Function and Inverse Function Meanings - November 18 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in Richardson Hall room 222
Enjoy Thanksgiving, avoid the weight gain
Say “No” To Thanksgiving Weight Gain - November 11 2015 at 8:00 p.m. in CELS room 207
Astronomy Club Seminar with Kevin Urban
Earth Voyage: Sailing the Seas of the Solar Wind - November 4 2015 at 3:45 p.m. in Richardson Hall room 223
Karmen Yu and Justin Seventko
Calculus Support Group - October 28 2015 at 3:30 p.m. in Richardson Hall room 261
Physics Club Seminar featuring Lynn Schneemeyer, Associate Dean of the College of Science and Mathematics
Highly correlated electron systems: electrons behaving differently in complex materials - October 21 2015 at 3:30 p.m. in Richardson Hall room 261
Eric Forgoston, Mathematical Sciences professor here at Montclair State
Introduction to Noise-Induced Rare Events - October 14 2015 at 8:15 p.m. in CELS room 207
Astronomy Club Seminar
Summer Star Parties Remembered - October 14 2015 at 3:45 p.m. in CELS room 225
Exploring Connections Between Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, and Mathematics Topics Studied in Teacher Preparation Programs
Mathematics Education Seminar Series - October 14 2015 at 2:45 p.m. in Richardson Hall room 222
Dr. Stanley R. Huddy, Assistant Professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University gives a seminar delving into chaos theory
An Introduction to Chaos Theory - September 23 in Richardson 222 at 3 p.m.
Dr. Jamie Radcliffe, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The Friendship Paradox - September 9, Astronomy Club lecture,
Dr. Deborah Freile of New Jersey City University
The Demise of the Dinosaurs: Bolide Impact or Flood Basalts - April 29
Dr. Ren Zhang, VP American Express
Application of Statistics and Big Data Analysis in the Customer Finance Industry - April 22
Dr. Eugen Fiorini, Associate Director of the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS), Rutgers
CrIME: Criminal Investigation through Mathematical Examination
- March 24, 2015
Fuzhen Zhang, Nova Southeastern University
An Inequality for Tensor Product of Positive Operators and its Applications - Feb. 18, 2015
Deepak Bal, Miami University
Rainbow Structures in Random Graphs - Feb. 17, 2015
Mary Radcliffe, University of Washington
Eigenvalues, Connectivity, and Clusters - February 13, 2015
Natasha Komarov, Carnegie Mellon University
Cycles in Tournaments - February 10, 2015
Brian Nakamura, Rutgers University
Enumerating permutations with exactly r copies of a pattern
- December 19
Julie Nurnberger-Haag, Michigan State University
Moving on a Path versus Collecting Objects: New Perspectives to Analyze Student Learning with Integer Models - December 17
Teo Paoletti, University of Georgia
Bidirectional Reasoning - December 15
Michael Tallman, Arizona State University
Examining the Pedagogical Implications of a Secondary Teacher’s Understanding of Angle Measure - October 23
Rob Baello and Donald Coleman, Montclair State University
Design of Knapsack Cryptosystems Using Certain t-Superincreasing Sequences - October 23
Jasmine Rivers and Jose Torres, Montclair State University
A New Approach to Understanding Evolutionary Relationships Among Chagas Disease Vectors in Latin American Countries - April 30 at 3:00pm RI-222
Dr. Roy Goodman, NJIT
Recent Projects in the NJIT Applied Math Capstone Lab
Abstract: Undergraduate applied math majors at NJIT take a two-semester “Capstone” course as the culmination of their studies. This course aims to integrate laboratory experiments with the major tools of applied mathematics: modeling, numerics, and analysis. I will give an overview of the course, and describe some of the experiments that my colleagues and I have run there. I will focus on several mechanics experiments that I have run: dynamical bias in the coin toss, an analog model of chaotic scattering of solitary waves, and the formation of NLS kink solitons on a damped and parametrically forced chain of pendulums. The lab has support from an NSF grant, and the experiments are run using a variety of high tech and low: high-speed digital video, MATLAB, lasers, tin cans, Christmas ornaments, and superballs. - April 17 at 11:00am in RI 224
Dr. Rachel Welder, Hunter College
Task Design for Preparing Elementary Teachers: An Illustrative Example in the Context of Fractions - April 16
Dr. S. Mukhopadhyay, Postdoc, Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Yale University - March 19
Dr. Vidya Atal, Asst. Professor, Dept. Economics and Finance, Montclair State University
Search, Project Adoption and the Fear of Commitment
- February 6
Dr. Michael Dorff, Director of Center for Undergraduate Research, Brigham Young University
How Mathematics is Changing the World? - January 31
Andrada Ivanescu, Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, East Carolina University
Computational Methods for Function-on-Function Regression - January 30
Haileab Hilafu, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Statistics, The University of Georgia
Sufficient Dimension Reduction for High Dimension Low Sample Size Data
- December 20
Jess Ellis
Preparing Future College Instructors: The Role of Graduate Student Teaching Assistants (GTAs) in Successful College Calculus Programs - December 19
Mathew Campbell, Oregon State University
Designing Responsive Enactment Opportunities for Prospective Mathematics Teachers - December 16
Spencer Bagley, UCSD & SDSU - December 13
Eileen Murray, Harvard Graduate School of Education - December 6
Sandy Spitzer, Towson University
Using Online Collaboration to Improve Prospective Teachers’ Analysis of Teaching - November 20
Dr. Joga Rao, NJIT
Mechanics of Shape Memory Polymers - November 13
William P. Burke and Rob R. A. Baello, Montclair State University
Graph Connectivity Indices of Octagonal Systems - November 13
Pamela Guerron, Montclair State University and Zeyad Boodoo, Rutgers-Newark
Applications of Graph Connectivity Indices in DNA Data Analysis - October 30
Dr. Mahdi Mohebbi, University of Pittsburgh
The Mathematical Theory of Navier-Stokes Equations - October 23
Dr. Frank Kozusko, Hampton University - April 24
Nick Moore, Applied Math Lab at NYU
Reduced-order modeling of fluid-structure interactions - March 27
Jennifer Krumins, Department of Biology, Montclair State Univ. - March 18
Adam Ciarleglio, Department of Biostatistics, Columbia University
Wavelet-Based Scarlar-on-Function finite mixture regression - February 22
Lei Jin, Department of Mathematics, Mcneese State University
A new nonparametric stationarity test of time series in time domain - February 21
Yang Li, Department of Statistics, University of Missouri at Columbia
Regression analysis of panel count data with dependent observation process and terminal event - February 20
Ming Wang, Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, School of Public Health, Emory University
A conditional likelihood approach for regression analysis using biomarkers measured with batch-specific error - February 20
Brittany Shelton, Math department, Lehigh University (and Montclair State University math alumni)
On God’s Number(s) for Rubik’s Slide
- November 14
Dr. Shane R. Keating, Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science
Models and measures of turbulent mixing in the ocean - October 17
Leif Ristroph, Applied Math Lab, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Fluid-structure interactions in biological and geophysical flows - October 11
Dr. Richard McLaughlin, Department of Mathematics, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Falling bodies in sharply stratified fluids: Theory and Experiments - October 10
Dr. Steven Greenstein, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Montclair State University
Developing a Qualitative Geometry from the Conceptions of Young Children - September 26
Daisuke Takagi, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Applied Math Lab, NYU
How Synthetic Microswimmers Move, Turn, Flip, and Spread - April 26
Neil Johannsen, Ph.D. Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, LA - March 18
Professor Larry D’Antonio, School of Theoretical and Applied Science, Ramopo College - March 11
Professor Ani Hsieh, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics, Drexel University - March 7
Amy Davidow, Ph.D., UMDNJ - February 16
Timothy Fukawa-Connelly, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Hampshire
Analyzing the teaching of advanced mathematics courses via the enacted example space - February 15
Professor Lou Kondic, Department of Mathematics, NJIT - February 9
Anja Bosy-Westphal, M.D., Ph.D. Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany
Relationship between resting energy expenditure and energy balance: results from clinical trials and controlled feeding experiments - February 8
Lider Leon, Nicholas Kass, Kristina Torbratt, Undergraduate students
Three Vignettes of Mathematical Modeling: Predicting and Treating Epidemics, Growth of Cancerous Tumors, and Complex Patterns in a Simple System - January 25
Dr. Rosenblum and Dr. Weiss, UMDNJ