Students walking.

News and Announcements

Category: Physics

Dr. Andrew Zwicker (right) and Montclair State physics majors in the experiment hall for the NSTX-U experiment.

Physics majors visit fusion experiment at the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab

Students learned about the National Spherical Torus Experiment from state senator Andrew Zwicker.

Physics majors Mariana Pereira and Jasmine Valencerina looking cool in their eclipse glasses. [Photo by John LaRosa.]

The April 2024 Solar Eclipse!

Physics & Astronomy led an on-campus event to view the eclipse.

Physics majors Renzo Herrera and Stephanie Montoya with Professor Marc Favata setting up their curved spacetime demo.

Physics students participate in Paterson pre-eclipse outreach event

‘Casting Shadows’ event explained eclipse science to Paterson children and families.

Senator Andrew Zwicker and physics students.

State Senator Andrew Zwicker visits physics club

Senator Zwicker discussed his career from plasma physics to politics and answered questions from physics students.

Physics department chair with graduates

Congratulations to the class of 2023!

Physics majors and minors celebrate Montclair State’s Commencement at the Prudential Center.

LIGO twin facilities

Gravitational Wave Detectors restart their exploration of the Universe

Physics & Astronomy Department faculty participate in the fourth observing run of the LIGO detectors

NASA logo

Physics & Astronomy hosts spring meeting of the NJ Space Grant Consortium

Join us for a poster session by Space Grant research students and a talk on neutron stars by Prof. Shaon Ghosh.

student and mentor discuss experiments in nuclear physics "clean room"

Professor Earns NSF CAREER Grant to Advance Nuclear Physics Research

Grant will also provide access to high-level research for students typically underrepresented in laboratory science

Professor Favata speaks at the Liberty Science Center.

‘Listening’ to spacetime at the Liberty Science Center

Physics Professor Marc Favata explored how we can listen to the universe via gravitational waves in a talk at the Liberty Science Center.

Professor Kent Leung

Professor Kent Leung awarded $436k grant to study neutrons

Award will support construction of key components for observing the electric dipole moment of the neutron.

Image from gallery dedication.

Object Lessons

Science, art and philanthropy on display in Richardson Hall teach lessons of collaboration and generosity

students at meeting

Physics students win best poster competition at LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration meeting