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Phish Files

Your Montclair ID Halted

Posted in: Spear Phishing

Phishing attack that has gone out to the campus community stating your netid is on hold.

Screenshot of a fake website posing to be a MSU login page.

Why this looks valid:

  • Attacker makes the alias of the email say Montclair
  • Attacker uses a legitimate telephone number at MSU

Why this is phishing?

  • Email address is from an external account not associated with MSU
  • Email Subject changes:
    • We’ve halt your Montclair ID
    • Your Montclair ID Halted
    • Your MontcIair ID halted  < Montclair is spelt with an uppercase i
    • We’ll close your Montclair ID
  • Link is fake and reroutes to a different website
  • Spelling errors

Additional Notes: