The faculty in the new Department of Philosophy at Montclair State University are laying the groundwork for a department that invites and fosters diversity—in the classroom, among faculty, through our events and so on. Below are the first steps we have taken in this area.
The British Philosophical Association and the UK Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP) have taken the lead in putting forward a plan to address certain diversity shortcomings in the field of philosophy. These organizations have launched a Good Practice Scheme that consists of a set of guidelines that are aimed at encouraging the representation of women in philosophy. Following these guidelines will not only support the inclusion of women in philosophy but will begin to improve the conditions for members of other under-represented groups as well.
We have adopted policies that are informed by the BPA/SWIP Good Practice Scheme, which is organized in terms of the following categories:
- Gender bias
- Conferences and seminar series
- Sexual harassment
- Staff-student relationships
- Caregivers
- Research projects
- Journals