The graduate program in Nutrition and Food Science provides students with in-depth study of nutrition science, nutrition education, food and nutrition issues, food regulations and compliance and nutrition counseling. It prepares professionals for careers in nutrition and wellness, allied health services, education and research, food and nutrition administration, government agencies, hospitals, food industries, food production, food safety and regulations, and food and nutrition management.
This program consists of 32 semester hours. For more information, please visit the Nutrition and Food Science (MS) program listing in the University Catalog.
Graduate Program Coordinator: Dr. Meena Mahadevan
Office: University Hall, Room 2157
Phone: 973-655-7574
Email: mahadevanm@montclair.edu
Department Administrator: Maddy Antosiewicz, MS
Office: University Hall, Room 2151
Phone: 973-655-6681
Email: antosiewcza@montclair.edu
Please note: This program DOES NOT prepare students to become Registered Dietitians. Students who are interested in becoming dietitians must complete the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) Certificate. Students can complete the MS in Nutrition and Food Science and the AND Certificate simultaneously, with some courses from the master’s program substituting for courses in the Didactic Program. In order to be in the combined program, prospective students must apply to each program separately. Read more information about completing these programs at the same time.