Dr. Sandra Adams
Molecular virology, molecular biology, science education
Solid State NMR, Lead soap formation in oil paintings, Cytochrome P450 and other enzymatic reactions
Satellite Remote Sensing and Earth Observation; Mapping vegetation canopies (dryland forest; rangeland; semi-arid and desert grassland; Arctic tundra); Wide-swath observing systems; Multi-angle imaging; BRDF modeling; Geographic Information Systems
Computer networking, computer science education, computer communication protocols, and computer/network security
Cell culture, in vitro studies of the effects of World Trade Center dust on human cells
Intrusion detection, financial risk analysis, verifiable computation, privacy-preserving data mining
Applied mathematics, mathematical biology, mathematical epidemiology, fluid mechanics
Neuroimaging, self-awareness and theory of mind, deception and deception detection, evolutionary cognitive neuroscience
Climate change, environmental politics and policy, resource management and conservation, economic modeling
Digital Democracy (online censorship), Cyber Security, modeling/analysis of technological and social networks
Biophysical chemistry, fluorescence imaging, lipid membrane-protein interactions
STEM education, K-8 mathematics education, student learning of geometry and algebra, use of technology and learning
Ocean drilling, polar science, glacial processes, sedimentary geology, continental margins
Computer security, high performance computing, scientific cyberinfrastructure, remote sensing, energy efficiency in data centers
Information security, applied cryptography, developing privacy-aware distributed algorithms, cloud computing
Epidemiology, cancer epidemiology, racial/ethnic disparities in cancer outcomes
Sustainability, sustainability planning, environmental policy, urban environmental management
Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs), Lake and River Management, Drinking and Recreational Water Safety, Habitat Connectivity
Urban geography, spatial data analysis, geographic information systems, regional development and planning