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President Koppell Applauds University Partners at Spring Town Hall

Posted in: University

A man stands on stage in front of a screen with four photos on it.

Montclair State University President Jonathan Koppell hosted a Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, April 17 attended by faculty and staff, where he reflected on a year of “progress, promise and partnership,” notably the strengthening bonds with the city of Paterson, including the celebrated opening of the Charles J. Muth Museum of Hinchliffe Stadium and One Square Mile initiative, where Montclair students are working within the community teaching English-as-a-new-language for Spanish- and Arabic-speaking residents.

These partnerships reflect the University’s commitment to serving society and creating powerful community partnerships that make a positive impact on both communities and students, Koppell told the audience in Alexander Kasser Theater and on a livestream (see below).

“We’re a community with a special purpose … because what we are as a community, as partners, is a mission to deliver transformational opportunities for students from all backgrounds. That’s our assignment,” Koppell said. “I’m 100% committed to that assignment.”

Among the initiatives, Montclair is working to break down barriers and create new pathways to higher education by partnering with community colleges and high schools, and addressing statewide issues, including maternal health and the teaching shortage with a Teacher Certification Apprenticeship and the nation’s first Alternate Route Teacher Certification Program to attract music teachers.

Looking ahead, the University will continue the integration of Bloomfield College into the wider Montclair community, as well as launching a revamped Honors Program, providing resources to help students manage their mental health, and focusing admission growth on international recruitment, Koppell said.

In answering questions submitted prior to the event, Koppell talked about his goals by saying, “It’s impossible for Montclair State University to be what we want it to be without functioning as a community … We need to be part of the process of revisiting everything that we do. Sometimes that means doing new things and sometimes that means doing things that other people have been doing for years.”

He pointed to revisions in the University calendar, introducing new programs like the pre-college summer programs for high school students, offering courses in different modalities to meet students where they want to be, and being part of the protection of American democracy as showing that Montclair is a “university capable of adaptation and change. That’s the university I want to be.”

Photo Gallery

A profile view of Jonathan Koppell with the University seal in the background.
Koppell told the Town Hall audience that the University’s mission is to “deliver transformational opportunities for students from all backgrounds. That’s our assignment. I’m 100% committed to that assignment.”
A man at a podium on stage in front of a screen title The All In Presidents' Challenge.
Koppell announced he has joined the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge’s 2024 Presidents’ Council and College Presidents for Civic Preparedness share tools and resources that help students become engaged citizens.
Five students students stand in front of a stage, while a man in a suit stands behind them on stage.
Students recognized by Koppell, are, from left, Bonner Leaders Sofia Perez and Nerieda Delgado Garcia, and Nour Shalash, a Next Generation Service Corps member, who provide tutoring for ESL learners in Paterson; social media ambassador Ashley Petrosine; and Jameson Klinksy, who has proposed a student-driven peer mentoring program.
Audience members smile and laugh.
President Koppell recognized Teaching and Learning Professor Richard Wolfson, who is retiring after 14 years as AFT Local President and 42 years on the faculty.
Audience members listen to the speech.
A full house listens inside the theater as the President outlined the initiatives that reflect the University’s spirit of commitment and partnership.

Photos by John J. LaRosa for Montclair State University.