Good Luck on Your Olympic Journey, Isadora Williams
Student figure skater to compete in PyeongChang
Posted in: University

The #GoIsadora excitement continues to build at Montclair State University as our fellow Red Hawk, student and figure skater Isadora Williams, gears up for her performance at the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea.
A dual citizen of the United States and Brazil, Williams will represent Brazil and is competing in her second Olympic Games, having previously skated in the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.
The University caught up with Williams while she was getting in her final practice sessions at Floyd Hall Arena on campus. She shared some thoughts about lessons she has learned at Montclair State that will help her during the competition.
“I think one of the biggest things I’ve learned from Montclair that has translated into my skating is being able to set goals, and working towards those goals while being organized and managing my time,” says Williams.
“Another thing that I’ve correlated between skating and Montclair is that sense of community and support. I have my [skating] coaches here, and I have the Montclair staff and all of my teachers who have always been so supportive and have cheered me on in my journey going to the Olympics.”
Isadora’s event began in Peyongchang on the morning of February 21 (which was the evening of February 20 here in New Jersey). Her next skate will be Thursday night, February 22. Stay tuned for updates.
Best of luck, Isadora!
View this video of Isadora practicing at Floyd Hall Arena on campus.
Read this news story about Isadora Williams published in October 2017.