NJ Senate Honors Montclair State for Achieving Research Doctoral Carnegie Designation
Posted in: Research, Uncategorized
On May 9, 2016, the 40 members of the Senate of the State of New Jersey issued a resolution in which Montclair State University was recognized and honored for earning Research Doctoral University designation from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education for the first time.
The change in ranking was issued by Carnegie in January 2016, based on the substantial growth at Montclair State in doctoral-level education and research activity. The University was previously recognized as a Master’s 1 University (Larger Programs).
Introduced by Senator Loretta Weinberg, Senate President Stephen M. Sweeney and Senators Nia H. Gill, Sandra B. Cunningham, Nellie Pou and Paul A. Sarlo, the legislative proclamation acknowledged Montclair State’s leaders and faculty for having “worked tirelessly and effectively in creating a superlative education for its students,” and saluted them for their “superb service and exemplary dedication.”
Noting the institution’s “sterling reputation,” the document refers to Montclair State as a “model to emulate and set a standard of excellence toward which others might strive.”
Signed by Senate President Sweeney and attested by Secretary Jennifer A. McQuaid, the resolution honors the University for its new designation, pays tribute to its “praiseworthy service and commitment,” and extends “sincere best wishes for its continued success and vigor.”
For more information on Montclair State’s Carnegie designation: https://www.montclair.edu/news/article.php?ArticleID=16013