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University News

NJPAC’s All-Female Jazz Residency Comes to Campus

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Members of NJPAC's All-Female Jazz Residency after their final performance at Montclair State University’s Leshowitz Hall.

Mentored by jazz masters, 22 young women musicians spent a week on the Montclair State University campus in July as participants in the New Jersey Performing Arts Center’s second All-Female Jazz Residency.

The residency, which is hosted by NJPAC’s Department of Arts Education, is solely for young women intent on honing their craft. The summer intensive attracted 13- to 25-year-olds from throughout the country and gave them the chance to learn from and be mentored by jazz greats.

Students received the rare opportunity to play side-by-side with some of the best in the music business and listen to their stories of encounters with famous players of the past. They also participated in jam sessions and classes in improvisation and jazz theory, and took field trips to nearby jazz-related locations such as the studios of WBGO Jazz 88.3 FM.

Read the full story at Young Women on the Bandstand.