two students studying with NYC skyline in background

Dino Livakovic

Studying abroad in Europe has been my dream for as long as I can remember, so when I was told I received the Overseas Neighbors Scholarship to study in Graz for a year, I was speechless.  I will never forget that day, for I now realize that moment was a turning point in my life in almost every aspect. 

Before boarding the plane for Austria, I felt I knew almost everything there is to know about Austria and Graz, in particular.  I read everything I could get my hands on and asked every friend and relative in hopes of better understanding what to expect.  When I arrived at Graz, however, I realized there is an infinite number of things that language books could never teach, sights that travel guide books could never truly depict, foods that taste special only to a particular region, various social attachments and relationships one could never imagine or explain, and friends one would not meet anywhere else.  It is this compilation of distinctions that make studying abroad so special and unique.  Very soon, I began to grasp how the world is so small and homogenous, yet so large and incredibly diverse at the same time.

I cannot think of a better city than Graz for a true study abroad experience.  With the gorgeous Viennese architecture, hundreds of years of history, curious locals, famous Austrian cuisine, thousands of international students to meet, and its excellent location, this city has so much to offer.  Even after months of living in this city, one constantly finds something new: a new delicious bakery, a beautiful park, a great place to go out, or a small street unknown before.  Universities in Graz have so many students from all over the world that meeting someone new is always a different experience.  With its phenomenal location, cities such as Vienna, Zagreb, Venice, Budapest, and Zurich are only a train or bus ride away.

Studying abroad in Graz is an experience I will treasure forever and I cannot express how thankful I am for this opportunity.  In almost every way, this has shaped me into who I am today.  For this very reason, I will take this experience with me wherever I go and whatever I do in life.

Kirsten Huze and Dino Livakovic

Kirsten Huze and Dino Livakovic