Spring 2020 French events
Posted in: French, Student News, Uncategorized, World Languages and Cultures

Unfortunately, due to the “social distancing” protocols in place, we must cancel our remaining events for the Spring 2020 semester (as of March 16). Stay safe and come back to participate in the fall!
Wednesdays at 2:30: Salon de Conversation in Schmitt 2nd floor atrium
Special French conversation events
- 29 janvier: Bonne rentrée!
- 5 février: La Chandeleur (build a crepe!).
- 4 mars: Unwind before spring break with French board games!
- 6 mai: Le muguet (lily of the valley) and petanque (weather permitting)
29 janvier. Bonne rentrée ! Schmitt Atrium 2nd floor @ 2:30pm. Welcome back to the semester by sharing what you did over winter break and what you’re excited about this coming semester while practicing your French!
5 février. La Chandeleur (build a crepe!). Schmitt Atrium 2nd floor @2:30pm.
Come celebrate La Chandeleur by building (and eating) your own crêpe and learning some French words! The French don’t celebrate Groundhog’s Day on Feb. 2, but they do celebrate the flipping of crêpes. Quantities limited: sign up via HawkSync: https://orgsync.com/114413/events/2816207/occurrences/6768425
8 février. Animation First 2020. FIAF NYC. https://fiaf.org/animation-first-2020/ Contact pliniog@montclair.edu for more information.
11 février. French Film. Schmitt Hall 104, 7:00pm.
21 février. Conference: L’histoire feuilletee/Multi-layered History. Maison française de NYU (free). 9am-6pm. Conference on historical novels.
28 février: looking for volunteers to help with French Day. Food and door prizes available! Contact msufrenchday@gmail.com for more information!
4 mars: Jeux de société. Unwind before spring break with French conversation and board games! Schmitt Atrium 2nd floor @2:30pm. [check]
24 mars. French Film. Schmitt Hall 104, 7:00pm
2 April. Kate Soper, The Romance of the Rose. 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Free for undergraduates. To express interest or reserve a spot write to: emerye@montclair.edu
14 April. French Film. Schmitt 104, 7-9pm
15 April. Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures spring reception.2:30pm Location TBA.
5 mai. French Film. Schmitt Hall 104, 7-9pm.
6 mai: Le muguet (lily of the valley) and petanque (weather permitting). Meet in Schmitt Atrium 2nd floor @2:30pm. Quantities of muguet limited, please RSVP via HawkSync: https://orgsync.com/114413/events/2816229/occurrences/6768552 Anyone can come to play petanque!
mai, TBA. Pi Delta Phi, National French Honor Society Induction
Bonnes vacances!