Leica microscope in a dark room


All University affiliated users for SEM, TEM and confocal microscopes must make a reservation. This ensures access to better management of the microscopes by those in the group. Before users first schedule a microscope, you must be added to the MMRL user list. This can be done by contacting the Director, Laying Wu. You will receive a confirmation email once you’ve been added.

Laying Wu profile photo

Laying Wu

Electron Microscopy Specialist/Lab Director

Center for Environmental & Life Sciences, 100B

Making a Reservation

  1. View your Montclair Google Calendar account – Log in with your Montclair State University email, NetID@montclair.edu and password. You should see the microscopy calendar(s) listed under Other Calendars on the bottom of the left menu.
  2. Add a reservation by pressing the Create button on the top left.
    1. Title format – [First Name] [Last Name] – [Yes/No if assistance is needed]
    2. Select the date and time you would like to use the microscope
    3. Select the calendar that corresponds to the microscope you intend to use from the Calendar dropdown menu
    4. Choosing your Microscope.
      1. On the right select Rooms etc.
      2. Search “MMRL” in the search box.
      3. Unselect the show only available checkbox.
      4. Click on the Asset tab and select the microscope you wish to reserve.
    5. When complete, click the Save button on the top left of the page.
  3. You should see your reservation posted on that calendar for the designated date and time you entered.

Microscope Availability

Bruker Dimension ICON SPM

Hitachi H-7500 TEM

Nikon C2 Confocal Microscope

Hitachi S-3400N SEM

Thermo Scientific Cryostat