Hand writing mathematical formulas on a blackboard.

News and Announcements

Category: Uncategorized

mathematics alum at Math Career Night Panel

Mathematics Career Night a Success

student doing an activity at Creativity in Math and Science event

LASER Math and Art Day

The second installment of Math & Art Day was held on Saturday, April 20th at Montclair State University (CELS 120)

new blackboard ribbon cutting collage

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony in the Mathematics Department

The ceremony, held in early April, celebrated something very special: the installation of our new blackboards!

department visit to the Mo Math exhibit in NYC

Mo Math in NYC

A group of Mathematics faculty and students took a trip to New York City to check out the exhibit

Bogdan Nita and Roland Hutchinson playing at the jam session

Math Jam Session!

graduate student at graduation with their mentor

Congrats to our Graduates!

Welcome Back!

Teaching and Learning of Fluid Mechanics Edited by Ashwin Vaidya

Dr. Ashwin Vaidya publishes new book

A new book titled “Teaching and Learning of Fluid Mechanics” was recently published by MDPI and was edited by Dr. Ashwin Vaidya, Chairperson and Associate Professor of the Mathematics Department.

Shutdown STEM

Department establishes pledge in response to equity initiatives

On June 10, 2020, members of the global academic and STEM communities took some time to reflect, educate themselves, and suggest actions to eradicate anti-Black racism in academia and STEM.

digital museum screenshot

Virtual museum of mathematics opens

The exhibit is part of a Festival of Mathematics at Montclair State

NYC Vessel group photo

Field Tripping in NYC!

The Department of Mathematics takes a field trip to see the Agnes Denes exhibit at the Shed Museum in Manhattan.

Students attending the Industry Jobs for Math Majors workshop

Workshop on Industry Jobs for Math Majors

This workshop provided students an opportunity to learn about the career options a degree in mathematics provides.