Hand writing mathematical formulas on a blackboard.

News and Announcements

Category: Publications

Students' transitions between quantitative artifacts

Paper Published in Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education

Recent Advances in Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction with Applications cover

Book Published in Honor of Late Professor

The publication honors Dr. Bong Jae Chung, a colleague and friend, who passed away in 2021

Denish Akoum's paper

Doctoral Student Wins Third Place Award for Published Paper

STEM Reasoning Development leads to Communication and Use of Representations

Doctoral Student and Faculty Publish Paper

Instructional Perseverance in Early-Childhood Classrooms: Supporting Children’s Development of STEM Reasoning in a Social Justice Context


Most-downloaded Paper Award

curricular design diagram

Student and Faculty Publish Paper on Modeling Effective Curriculum

Akuom and Greenstein after their presentation at the pmena conference

Presentation at the Psychology of Mathematics Education International Conference

Conceptualizing Instructional Perseverance in Early-Childhood Mathematics Settings researchers

Doc Student Presents at Conference about Early-Childhood Mathematics Instruction

S3D: Fostering and Improving Small-Group, Student-to-Student Discourse

MSU Graduate Publishes Book

Congratulations to Sarah Quebec Fuentes (EdD ’09) on her recent book publication.

A Drawn2Math Task and Feedback

Paper published about digital sketching application

Teaching and Learning of Fluid Mechanics - Volume II

Edited Book Published

Gravity Force Lab simulation

New publication in Mathematical Thinking and Learning

The paper is titled “Integrating math and science content through covariational reasoning: the case of gravity”