Hand writing mathematical formulas on a blackboard.
News and Announcements

Engaged Learning through Creativity in Mathematics and Science

Mika Munakata (PI) and Ashwin Vaidya (Co-PI) received a grant from the National Science Foundation: Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) Program for $299,701 effective from September 2016 – August 2020.

Posted in: Mathematics Education PhD

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The Creativity in Mathematics and Science (CMS) Project seeks to develop and implement an innovative model of STEM undergraduate education that highlights creativity in STEM at Montclair State University (MSU). This project includes (i) course modules on creative thinking in STEM for all majors, (ii) a 2-year engaged student research experience for CMS Scholars; (iii) research on the impact of the CMS project on student achievement and changes to students’ perceptions about STEM learning; and (iv) adaptation and transfer of successful elements to Bergen Community College and local high schools. The specific aim is to design learning materials and instructional methods related to creativity in the sciences.  The CMS project will address the need for STEM students to understand the process of scientific inquiry and will address the role of creativity in scientific activities. The three-year project will promote implementation of the instructional practices and sharing of project results.

Learn more about the grant