Hand writing mathematical formulas on a blackboard.
News and Announcements

Wipro Science Education Fellowship

Mika Munakata (PI), Emily Klein, Monica Taylor, and Jackie Willis, (Co-PIs) received a grant: Wipro Technologies Phase II for $300,000 effective from September 2017 – August 2020.

Posted in: Mathematics Education PhD

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Five local school districts have been selected to participate in the Wipro Science Education Fellowship (SEF) program at Montclair State University. The Wipro SEF program is a teacher-leadership program that supports experienced K to 12 science teachers to deepen their practice while staying in the classroom. The program uses a model of teacher support and development to increase the capacity of teacher-leadership in their respective districts. This model includes a comprehensive set of activities designed to enhance teachers’ abilities to increase achievement in science for underperforming students. Research on the program will contribute to an increased understanding of models of professional development for experienced teachers.