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News and Announcements

Maker Research Team presents at 41st PME-NA Conference

The team of faculty and students presented their research, “Revealing Teacher Knowledge through Making: A Case Study of Prospective Mathematics Teachers”

Posted in: Faculty and Student Research, Mathematics Education PhD

Maker Team together for their presentation at the PME-NA Conference
Maker Team together for their presentation at the PME-NA Conference
Faculty Dr. Steven Greenstein & Dr. Eileen Fernández, Visiting International Scholar Doris Jeannotte (University of Quebec at Montreal) and graduate students Jessica Davidson, Erin Pomponio, and Jason Klee presented their research at the 41st annual meeting of the North American chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA).
The purpose of the NSF-funded “Prospective Elementary Teachers Making for Mathematical Learning” project is to generate new knowledge about the contributions that Making can offer for preparing mathematics teachers; for developing their technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge; and for authoring themselves as effective and agentive designers of mathematical instruction.