Hand writing mathematical formulas on a blackboard.
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Vishal Naik, a mathematics education major, described that asking the question “Why?” changed his perspective

Posted in: Student Experiences, Students and Alumni

Vishal Naik

The biggest switch that was flipped in my head about math was when I was asked the question why? Why does this method work? Why does the math work? It lead me to fall in love with the process of math, way more then the end goal. Sure, the goal was what I would be working towards, but there was something special about learning the methodology behind it, and how it could be applied elsewhere, both in math and in the real world. I’ve even begun to introduce this to my students, and tell them to question everything. Ask why it works, don’t just find the answer. Understanding the process of math will help one better understand and appreciate what it has to offer. That ‘AHA’ moment on a students’ face when they finally understand makes teaching this all so worth it.