creativity in math and science demonstration

Degree Requirements & Course Offerings

View course requirements in the University Catalog for the Mathematics Education PhD program

Projected Course Offerings

Summer 2024
Education Requirement
TETD 816-41 Special Topics: Issues in Multilingual Multicultural Education
Fernando Naiditch May 13-July 7 Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00-8:30 pm Synchronous Online CRN 31088
This course examines the conceptual understandings of multilingual multicultural education, as well as their practical applications for the education of linguistically and culturally diverse students. The course introduces students to the key concepts of sociolinguistics and cultural theory that are relevant to understanding multiculturalism and multilingualism while reviewing the historical and contemporary uses of multiple languages and cultures in American society and abroad. Students will explore the ways in which linguistic and cultural socialization experiences shape perceptions and affect academic performance.
TETD 816-42 Special Topics: Equity in Educational Organizations
Patricia Virella July 1-August 25 Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30-3:55 pm Synchronous Online CRN 31090
In this course, students will examine the role of equity in educational institutions and how it impacts student outcomes. This course will explore the historical and societal factors that contribute to inequity in education, as well as strategies for promoting equity and inclusion in educational organizations. Students will have the opportunity to critically analyze current policies and practices related to equity in education, and develop their own plans for implementing equitable practices in their future roles as educational leaders. Through discussions, readings, and case studies, students will deepen their understanding of the complexities of promoting equity in educational organizations and gain practical knowledge and skills to create more equitable educational environments.
TETD 817-41 Research in Teacher Education: Masculinities, Social Class and Educational Opportunities
Jeremy Price May 13-July 7 Tuesdays and Thursdays 6-8:30 pm Synchronous Online CRN 31089
For much of the 21st century, scholars and researchers have been debating the issue of boys’ education and the changing participation of young men in the workforce. Some might argue that there is a collective perception that boys in Western nations are underachieving academically and that schools are failing boys. Essentialist and simplistic versions of boyhood often seep into these conversations thereby reinforcing gender binaries, and positioning boys as homogenous. This course sets out to better understand the education of boys through a close examination of the differences among boys and how those differences are structured and experienced. Reforms focused on making schools and teaching practices more ‘boy friendly’ tend to homogenize boys and discount the ways in which schools and teachers can make a difference towards more equitable social and academic outcomes for all.
Email Dr. Greenstein for permission to register for a TETD course. Include the CRN for the course and your ID number in that email.
Research Methods
EDFD will not be offering Research Methods courses for doctoral students this summer. 
Fall 2024
Math Ed Requirement
MATH 815 Theories of Learning Mathematics
Steven Greenstein, T 5:30 – 8:00
MATH 813 Geometric & Spatial Thinking and Learning
Nina Bailey, M 5:30 – 8:00
Education Requirement
TETD 806 The Practice of Teacher Education & Teacher Development
Mayida Zaal T 5:30-8:00
TETD 809 Language and Literacy in Socio-Cultural Contexts
Erik Jacobson TH 5:30-8:00
TETD 817 Research in Teacher Education: Queering Teacher Education: Exploring LGBTQ+ Inclusive Practices for Teachers
Monica Taylor W 5:30-8:00
This course provides teacher educators an opportunity to examine how they can prepare and support teachers in adopting frameworks that challenge heteronormativity in schools and instead embrace LGBTQA+ and gender non conforming youth. Future teacher educators will problematize normative teacher education and the ways in which it excludes meaningful sexuality and gender education in the curriculum. Using queer theory as a framework of critical analysis and understanding that sexual orientation and gender identities are social constructs influenced by a variety of factors, we will investigate the normative influence at the individual, institutional, and socio-cultural levels and the ways in which teachers, individually and collectively, can challenge these injustices through curriculum, teaching practices, and policy. We will develop strategies to help preservice and inservice teachers examine how their own sense of sexuality and gender identity is imbued with various degrees of compulsory heterosexuality and the gender binary and the resultant problematic effects this can have for all young people at various stages of development.
Email Dr. Greenstein for permission to register for a TETD course. Include the CRN for the course and your ID number in that email.
Research Methods
EDFD 820 Qualitative Methods for Educational Research
W 5:30 – 8:00 pm
EDFD 821 Quantitative Methods for Educational Research
W 5:30 – 8:00 pm
EDFD 822 Advanced Advanced Methods of Quantitative Inquiry in Education
TH 5:30 – 8:00 pm
EDFD 823 Advanced Qualitative Research in Education
TH 5:30 – 8:00 pm