Take Flight with Languages at Montclair State
Posted in: Linguistics News, Modern Languages, Spanish-Italian News and Events

No matter where you are in your undergraduate studies—whether you are just starting out in Red Hawk Country or prepping for graduation—fulfilling the World Language Requirement has never been easier.
The Choice is at Your Fingertips!
We have more than 12 languages offered at Montclair State:
- American Sign Language
- Arabic
- Chinese (Mandarin)
- French
- German
- Greek (Classical)
- Hebrew
- Italian
- Latin
- Japanese
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
Familiar or New
If you learned one of these languages at home or in high school, you can continue studying that language after taking the Foreign Language Placement exam. (That’s the exam you take if you wish to continue in a foreign language with which you have some experience). We have both online and onsite exams in Conrad Schmitt Hall, room 135.
You can also start a new path in college with a completely new language. The choice is yours!
Catch that Worm, Red Hawks!
(a.k.a The Benefits of Starting Early!)
We really encourage you to start early in your language studies, way before graduation is even on the horizon. Here are the benefits of starting as early as your freshmen year:
- Avoid last year pressure (no headaches for you)!
- Take the foreign language placement test early and lay out your options with ease.
- Get rid of the anxiety of thinking you forgot everything you learned in high school if you want to continue with the same language.
- Give yourself time to enjoy the language of your choice.
- Dive in deeper by tying the language into other general education requirement areas. F1, K2, World Cultures Requirements, and other GenEd areas offer courses from the languages departments. Visit the General Education website for more information.
- And most importantly, you will have time to add a language major or minor should you wish to!
Double Majors and Minors Double Career Opportunities
Many of our students have double majors and/or minors. Working closely with an advisor will allow you to prepare for a competitive job market and enhance your academic experience in more than one program while maintaining a four-year graduation schedule.
Campus Life and Study Abroad
On campus, language clubs and immersion language residence hall floors provide informal settings for speaking and interacting in the target language. Recent events include film series; trips to restaurants, museums, operas, and plays in New York City; and international travel. Students may also take advantage of Montclair State-affiliated study abroad programs in over 50 countries!
Ready, Set… Wait, I Have a Question!
To learn more about the Foreign Language Placement Exam:
- Visit Conrad Schmitt Hall, room 135
- Go to the Foreign Language Placement Exam website
To learn more about American Sign Language, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Stop by Conrad Schmitt Hall, room 222 and visit the following department websites:
If you are interested in Classical Greek and Latin, please stop by Classics and General Humanities in Dickson Hall 151, and visit their website:
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