Shelf of books on hold

Holds and Recalls


All students, faculty and staff who have Montclair Netids can place Holds online for books that are available in the Library and books currently checked out to other patrons at the Access Services Desk. All other patrons may place holds via email at or by calling the Front Desk at 973-655-4288.

To Place Holds Online

  1. Search the University Libraries Catalog.
  2. Click on the title of the item you want to place a Hold on.
  3. Click on the ‘Place Hold’ button that displays to the right of the screen.
  4. Enter your Montclair NetID and your password to log into your account.
  5. Click ‘Submit’ when prompted to place a Hold.

You will be notified when the items are available. Items on Hold will be kept at the Access Services Desk until claimed for 10 days, after which they will be returned to the collection.  *Books in the Pop Picks collection will be held for only seven days.

To Cancel Holds Online

  1. Sign in on the University Libraries Catalog using your Montclair NetID and your password.
  2. Click ‘My Account’ and select the Holds tab.
  3. Remove the Holds you want to cancel by clicking on the ‘Remove’ button and confirming that you want to cancel the Hold request.

Community borrowers, corporate borrowers and borrowers outside of Essex and Passaic County can place a Hold by calling the Access Services Desk at 973-655-4288.


The Library can recall books in circulation if needed for Reserves or requested by another patron. You can request that the Library recall books only at the Access Services Desk.

Recalled books must be returned without delay. Failure to return books that have been recalled will result in the suspension of borrowing privileges.