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Library News

Digital Commons Reaches 80,000 Downloads

Posted in: Digital Commons, Homepage Features

library institutional repository committee
Sprague Library Digital Commons Team Members

As the semester winds down, we invite you to take a look at the University’s institutional repository, Montclair State University Digital Commons, and upload your research and scholarly works.

Montclair State University’s world class research is showcased in its award-winning institutional repository, Montclair State University Digital Commons. With over 80,000 downloads to date, participating in the repository can help you expand the reach of your work, and raise your research profile. Additionally, the institutional repository manages and preserves your work for the long term. You can also create an author profile to help grow your web presence, connect and share your work with colleagues, and link your research to your profile. Montclair State University Digital Commons, a service of Sprague Library, is search engine optimized giving your name and your content higher ranking in Google™ search results.

For more information please contact Karen Ramsden, repository coordinator, at