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Library News

Research at University Libraries Empowers Newark Academy Students

Posted in: Homepage Features

high school students on laptops

From May 29th to June 3th, 2024, University Libraries hosted juniors from Newark Academy participating in the The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB). The IB is a rigorous and highly respected pre-university program offered by select schools throughout the world.

The students spent three day-long sessions in the library working on their IB Extended Essay. They researched, wrote, and prepared their papers independently, molding their investigative abilities to develop their capacity to analyze, synthesize and evaluate knowledge.

Andrea Lankin, Co-Coordinator of the Newark Academy Advanced Research Seminar had this to say about the students’ experience:

In Newark Academy’s Advanced Research Seminar, 11th graders spent two intensive weeks in June researching and drafting 4000-word essays. As part of this process, the 88 students visited Montclair State University’s Sprague Library for three days to find appropriate sources that help them investigate their questions. One student reports that she found articles on punk subcultures through keyword searches in the library’s databases, and another found books on the downfall of the British empire on the library shelves. A third read an economic impact research study that showed her methodologies she could apply to her own project. Students appreciated the librarians’ support in identifying and finding resources. As a teacher and group leader, I value the way the librarians welcome us into their space and generously offer up their materials and their knowledge.

As Montclair values working closely with the surrounding community, University Libraries was excited to welcome these young scholars to assist with their important work.

high school students on laptops
high school students on laptops
high school student using scanner

Photos by Kevin Handeli.