About Us

When it comes to advocating for social change, you know exactly what part you want to play. Turn your passion for the public good into a career with a degree in Justice Studies. Montclair State offers one of the few bachelor degree programs in Justice Studies in the State of New Jersey. Our niche is a broad-based interdisciplinary curriculum offering a rigorous course of study that examines the intersection of justice, law, policy and social change. Students in the major may focus their studies in one or more of the following three concentrations:  Criminal Justice or International Justice. Our students actively experience justice through a required internship in their field of the study. Read our Mission Statement.

The Department of Justice Studies also provides students with opportunities to explore various constructions of justice through its minors in Environmental Justice, Justice and Families and Criminal Justice.

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Image of a Justice Studies student waving to the crowd and wearing a cap and gown at a convocation ceremony.

Our Programs

The Justice Studies major is one of the most popular undergraduate programs at Montclair State University. It features a set of core courses along with various elective options. Students select their course of study from at least one of three field-specific concentrations: International Justice or Criminal Justice. We also offer four minors in the following areas of study: Criminal Justice, Environmental Justice and Justice & Families.

The department also offers an undergraduate certificate program in Global Human Trafficking, which provides students with a comprehensive and critical understanding of global human trafficking, including extent, causes, impact, perpetrators, victims, and responses.

Programs of Study


Our programs will cultivate the ability to think critically, to act ethically, and helps students to develop an understanding of global issues and of their responsibilities as citizens of the world. The department offers a wide range of interdisciplinary fields of study allowing our students to pursue a wide variety of careers.

Careers in Justice Studies

Dr. Salvatore at Convocation

Our Faculty

The Justice Studies Department has a dynamic roster of full-time and adjunct faculty members from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise. Our department has scholars in the areas of criminology, sociology, political theory, psychology and law.  Our faculty are actively engaged in research related to the following areas: policing, juvenile justice, crime mapping, prisoner’s rights, re-entry, transitional justice, human rights, social justice, wrongful convictions, hate crimes, cybercrime, terrorism, gender studies, domestic violence, environmental crime, animal cruelty and more.

Meet our Faculty

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Dickson Hall, Room 170