performers on darkened stage from 2018 Production of Lucretia

Summer Graduate Course: Orff

Posted in: Cali News

Join us this summer for our 3-credit graduate course

The Orff and Kodaly Starter Kit
Dr. Lisa DeLorenzo, Instructor
MUED 510, July 11 – August 4, 2011
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 4 – 7:15 pm

• Starting an Orff/Kodaly Program in Your School
• Variety of Hands-On Activities
• Learn the Essential Elements of Orff & Kodaly
• Comfortable, friendly atmosphere in the new Cali School
• No experience with Orff or Kodaly necessary

For more details about the course, contact Dr. DeLorenzo:
For registration information, contact Gina Balestracci: