Red Hawk Statue

News and Events

Category: Canvas & Software Updates

padlet slideshow

EdTech Updates: Padlet now offers one-click slideshows

Create a padlet. Click the Slideshow button. You have a slideshow!

Logo for Blackboard Ally

Ally Course Accessibility Report

Making your course content accessible just got a lot easier!

Young business man hand writing notebook and using laptop on a table

Turnitin Addresses AI Writing

Turnitin discusses academic integrity and the continuing emergence of AI writing.

Hypothesis logo

EdTech Updates: Hypothesis Now Available via Canvas

Faculty and students may use Hypothesis to collaboratively annotate digital texts for all disciplines.

graphic of three figures Walking with an Arrow to the right

EdTech Updates: Mindmapping, Captioning, and Polling Tools

New tools are available to facilitate teaching and learning.

Canvas Logo

Canvas Updates