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Simple Syllabus: Course Masters

What is a Course Master?

A Course Master in Simple Syllabus refers to a document that lives at the course level and impacts syllabi for ALL sections of that course. 

As an example, let’s say that WRIT 105 is a course with three sections: WRIT 105-01, WRIT 105-02, and WRIT 105-03. 

WRIT 105 has a course designer who is in charge of editing the Course Master for WRIT 105. 

A red flowchart representing the hierarchy of a course master with the top level labeled "WRIT 105 Course Master" and three downward-pointing arrows leading to "WRIT 105-01," "WRIT 105-02," and "WRIT 105-03."

When the course designer makes changes to the WRIT 105 Course Master, those changes will propagate out to the syllabi for WRIT 105-01, WRIT 105-02, and WRIT 105-03. 

Access and Edit a Course Master

Once you have been assigned the Designer role, you can access the Course Masters for your department subject by doing the following:

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Click on the Course Master tab.
    Three tabs labeled "All," "Syllabus," and the selected "Course Master" highlighted with a red background.


  3. Use the Filters and/or Term drop-down to filter your desired course masters.
    Simple Syllabus dashboard with filter and drop-down options highlighted.
  4. Under your “To-Do” list will be a list of any incomplete section Course Masters. Click Edit to edit a course master.
    Course Master Edit button
  5. The course master for the syllabus will open. You can now edit the course master using the same procedures for an individual course syllabus. For instructions on how to edit a syllabus please see Getting Started of Faculty section of the ITDS Simple Syllabus Documentation.

Note: Once you have finished editing a course master and submitted it, the course master will appear in the Completed list. The Course Master does not need to be published every term since content will automatically roll over into each new term.