Aerial view of Graduate School and Nursing building.


Institutional Official 

Junius Gonzales, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Acting Vice Provost of Research

Stefanie Brachfeld, PhD

Institutional Review Board Members

  • Dana Heller Levitt, PhD, IRB Chair, Professor, Counseling
  • Sarah Kelly, PhD, IRB Vice Chair, Associate Professor, School of Nursing
  • Michael Bixter, PhD, Assistant Professor, Psychology
  • Helenrose Fives, PhD, Professor, Educational Foundations
  • Fredrick Gardin, PhD, Associate Professor, Exercise Science and Physical Education
  • Miriam Linver, PhD, Professor, Family Science and Human Development
  • Nicole Lytle, PhD, Associate Professor, Social Work and Child Advocacy
  • John E. Rogers, Community Member
  • Stephanie Silvera, PhD, Professor, Public Health
  • Tarika Daftary-Kapur, PhD, Associate Professor, Justice Studies

IRB Alternate Members

  • Kim Bazylewicz, B.A., Director of Research Compliance
  • Danielle Richardson, M.S., Scientist Alternative Member
  • Christopher Salvatore, PhD, Chairperson, Justice Studies