Aerial view of Graduate School and Nursing building.

Recruiting Montclair State University Students

What are the resources or options available for recruiting Montclair State University students as participants in my research?

Please note: To be used as described below, each of these methods must be detailed within your IRB approved submission.

Publish the information on your department’s website

  • You can prepare draft text for a University news article/recruitment material/website page that is similar if not identical to what might be on a recruitment flyer.
  • Please do not forget to include your IRB approval number in the text.
  • You can request that other colleges/schools/departments publish the text on their pages.
  • You can also request that the URL to your related website content be added to your department’s social media sites.

Post IRB approved flyers around campus. Please refer to the Montclair State University Posting Regulations

Send your IRB approved recruitment emails through College Deans and departments chairs who agree to send out an email on your behalf. IRB approval of this method does not guarantee or imply that those University persons must send out the email on your behalf.

  • Please note that requests made to send out emails to all undergraduates are not a viable recruitment method. Only selected Administrators on campus have access to this master listserv and they are currently restricted to student specific services and announcements.
  • Psychology Department Faculty and Graduate Students may use SONA – a student participant pool.

Are there any templates for recruitment material that I can use?

IRB Templates for Recruitment Material are not mandatory to follow but highly encouraged. Please visit our IRB templates page to access our sample IRB recruitment templates

How do I send my information to Red Hawk News?

Note: the Step below can only be taken after IRB approval.

SEND Cindy Meneghin and Hila Berger the following information for distribution through Red Hawk News

  • IRB research description with IRB approval number

What are some examples of recruitment materials?

Text for Email Message (this example is appropriate if you are asking an administrator to send a recruitment email on your behalf)


Sample recruitment flyer