Classics Day winners, Ridgewood High School, Photo courtesy NJ Arts News
News and Events

“165 Attend Philosophy in the Schools Day for Secondary Students”

Posted in: Institute for the Humanities

Students and teachers from 16 New Jersey high schools, ranging from the nearby Montclair Kimberly Academy to Southern Regional in Manahawkin, came to campus Friday, February 10th to take part in our first-ever Philosophy in the Schools Day.  This year, the Institute for the Humanities teamed up with the Department of Philosophy and Religion to offer a new program, "The Examined Life."  It featured Logic and Ethics as areas of inquiry that allow us to approach Socrates’ ideal of the “examined life,” not only to expand students’ intellectual and moral capacities, but also to enhance and add  meaning to life.  Drs. David Benfield and Kirk McDermid led the Logic sessions.  Drs. Chris Herrera and Dorothy Rogers offered the sessions on Ethics.
According to Institute for the Humanities Director, Victoria Larson, this program which "was based on the tried-and-true format of the Institute’s successful and long-running Humanities in the Schools days . . . exceeded our wildest dreams in terms of attendance and interest!”  Dorothy Rogers, Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religion adds, "When we first conceived of this idea, we were hoping for . . . oh, maybe 40 or so students to sign up.  But it seems like the "love of wisdom" is alive and well in area high schools, and we are eager to offer Philosophy in the Schools Day again next year."