Classics Day winners, Ridgewood High School, Photo courtesy NJ Arts News
News and Events

Classics Day, 2012

Posted in: Institute for the Humanities

This year’s annual Classics Day — the twenty-fourth since its inception in 1989 — aims, as usual, to provide high school students studying Latin with an opportunity to experience “Classics” at the college level.  It will take place on Friday, October 19 and will feature presentations on mythology, Roman history, and archaeology with titles such as “A Mother’s Grief, a Daughter’s Disappearance, and the Promise of Spring: Demeter and Persephone,” “The Redeemer Hero in Myth and Literature,” “Searching for Emperor Commodus’s Amphitheatre,” and “Behind Every Great Man . . . ” Attendees are invited to come dressed in Roman costume. Put on a new persona and an alter ego and celebrate Halloween early! For further information, contact the coordinator, Victoria Larson (