Photo of the red hawk statue with Kasser Theater in the background.

News and Announcements

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Feature image for Winners of the Student Metaphor Contest Announced

Winners of the Student Metaphor Contest Announced

Stephanie Rodriguez, Danielle Angelo and Allie Aloe are the winners of “Your Metaphor for Learning Italian”

Feature image for The Reggio Emilia Approach: A Panel on the U.S. School System’s Responses to an Italian Educational Philosophy

The Reggio Emilia Approach: A Panel on the U.S. School System’s Responses to an Italian Educational Philosophy

Scholars, teachers, parents and school directors share perspectives

Feature image for Media Coverage on Inserra March and April Events

Media Coverage on Inserra March and April Events

Feature image for NJTV "State of the Arts" Features Inserra and Italian Program

NJTV “State of the Arts” Features Inserra and Italian Program

Feature image for Italians in America: Recent Documentaries and Photographs

Italians in America: Recent Documentaries and Photographs

Program provided new insights about the Italian American experience

Feature image for A Panel on the Reggio Emilia Approach (03/15)

A Panel on the Reggio Emilia Approach (03/15)

U.S. Responses to an Italian Educational Philosophy

Feature image for Student Contest: Your Metaphor for Learning Italian

Student Contest: Your Metaphor for Learning Italian

Feature image for Short Video Contest for Students: Adopt an Italian UNESCO Site (NEW DEADLINE: 12/2)

Short Video Contest for Students: Adopt an Italian UNESCO Site (NEW DEADLINE: 12/2)

Feature image for Montclair State Expands Titling Collaboration with Prescott Studio

Montclair State Expands Titling Collaboration with Prescott Studio

Students of Italian will continue to translate and title voices across continents

Feature image for Italians in America: Recent Documentaries and Photos (Feb. 8)

Italians in America: Recent Documentaries and Photos (Feb. 8)

Feature image for Teresa Fiore Published Two Articles on Italian Migrations in Spanish-language Journals in Spain and Argentina

Teresa Fiore Published Two Articles on Italian Migrations in Spanish-language Journals in Spain and Argentina

Columbian Foundation

2015-16 Columbian Foundation Scholarship Awarded to Emma Rush