Photo of the red hawk statue with Kasser Theater in the background.
News and Announcements

April 17 2012: Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio

Posted in: Inserra, Italian News and Events

Tuesday April 17th, 2012 at 6:30pm (Cohen Lounge)

After rounding up musicians from the Esquilino, a thriving immigrant neighborhood in Rome, to create the eclectic Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio, the filmmaker Agostino Ferrante captured their individual stories in this captivating documentary. Shot over a five-year period, from the birth of the orchestra to its success, this documentary bring together thirty professional and streets musicians of eleven different nationalities, a microcosm of the cultural diversity of contemporary Italy.

More information about the documentary

Introduction by Dr. Teresa Fiore (Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies, Department of Spanish and Italian)
Q&A led by Dr. Alex Lykidis (Film Studies Program, Department of English)

Light refreshments will be served.

RSVP required at:

Sponsored by the Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies and the Coccia Institute in collaboration with the Amici Club and LASO at Montclair State University