Photo of the red hawk statue with Kasser Theater in the background.
News and Announcements

March 6 2012: Mangia Piano: The Internationalization of Italian Local Foodways

Posted in: Inserra

Feature image for March 6 2012: Mangia Piano: The Internationalization of Italian Local Foodways

The Inserra Chair

with the co-sponsorship of the Global Education Center and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America

is pleased to invite you to

Mangia Piano: The Internationalization of Italian Local Foodways

Tuesday March 6, 2012 6:30pm

University Hall Conference Center 7th floor, Montclair State University

A panel of experts will discuss how Italian foodways have dispersed all over the world through migration routes, alternative production and distribution models, as well as environmentally sustainable practices.

Donna Gabaccia (Professor of History, University of Minnesota)
Cristina Grasseni (Professor of Anthropology, Università di Bergamo, Italy/Harvard University)
Fabrizia Lanza (Chef and food scholar, Anna Tasca Lanza School, Italy)Respondent: Pietro Frassica (Professor of Italian, Princeton University)

Light refreshments will be served with an introduction by Grace Grund (Food activist and educator, Montclair)

RSVP required at

For information: (click on Mangia Piano)

Contact: Dr. Teresa Fiore (Inserra Chair) at