An Ear for Films: A Program of Events with Award-Winning Live Sound Director Maricetta Lombardo

An Ear for Films: A Program of Events with Award-Winning Live Sound Director Maricetta Lombardo

Dates and times in April 2025 TBA (in person)
Locations TBA 

Maricetta Lombardo is the most recognized live sound director in Italian cinema. In the live sound category, she is the recipient of the highest number (four) of Nastri d’Argento awards in the history of the oldest film award in Italy, and three David di Donatello Awards (the Italian Oscar Award). After studying fine arts and theater (the latter with renowned writer Andrea Camilleri), she received a degree at the prestigious Experimental Center for Film in Rome. Since the late 1990s, she has worked with major Italian directors, from Stefano Sollima to Pasquale Scimeca, Mario Martone, the D’Innocenzo brothers, and, last but certainly not least, Matteo Garrone for practically all his films (Gomorra, Pinocchio, Dogman, Tale of Tales all won her awards over the years). A curious mind and a politically engaged thinker, Maricetta blends technological expertise, aesthetic choices and human sensitivity in her work in unique ways, and is now eager to share her knowledge on our campus.

1. PUBLIC CONVERSATION: Listening to Films
Speaker: Maricetta Lombardo
Moderators: Teresa Fiore (Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies) and David Sanders (School of Communication and Media)

2. MASTER CLASS (as part of “Women in Sound” series)
Led by Maricetta Lombardo

Led by Maricetta Lombardo

Organized and sponsored by the Inserra Endowed Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies  in collaboration with the Italian Program (Department of World Languages and Cultures). In partnership with the  School of Communication and Media (BA Program in Recording Arts and Production), and the Cali School of Music at Montclair State University