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News and Announcements

Titling Voices Across Continents and Other Programs Linked to Translation

The Italian Program Offers Students Opportunities in the Field

Posted in: Inserra, Italian News and Events

Feature image for Titling Voices Across Continents and Other Programs Linked to Translation

Since 2014, the Italian Program and the Inserra Chair have worked in synergy to offer students of Italian a variety of educational and pre-professional opportunities linked to the field of translation and titling for cinema and live performance (opera theater).

Combining a course in translation and the collaboration with Prescott Studio, a titling agency based in Florence, which serves some of the most established theaters in Italy, the Italian Program aims to open the doors of “accessibility for live performances” to the students who show an interest in this up-and-coming profession.

With a summer internship in Italy and a number of prominent plays and operas translated and adapted for theaters both in Italy and New York, the Italian Program’s goal is clearly spelled: to become a pole of attraction for students to deepen their knowledge of Italian language and culture while designing their future job opportunity.

Read the articles and watch the videos linked below to learn more about the past and present components of this multifaceted project.


  • Back from a Summer Internship in Florence: Surtitling for Italian Opera Festivals (2016):
  • 2016 Surtitling Internship for Student of Italian at the InScena Italian Theater Festival (Summer 2016):


  • Sur-Titling Project Receives a Mini-Grant from the Italian Government (Summer 2016):


Special Projects:

  • Montclair Translates for Milan via Florence at EXPO 2015 (Winter 2015)
  • Students of Italian Surtitle Prominent Plays for Expo 2015 Theater Productions in Milan, Italy (Fall 2015):
  • Translating Voices Across Continents: Surtitles for Theater (Expo 2015):
  • Translating Voices Across Continents: Surtitles for Theater (video):
  • Surtitles: The Complex Art of Semplicity (Prescott Studio video):

Symposia/Professional Development: