Italian Faculty Publish in the Journal Studi Italiani
“Writers Between Two Worlds”, a special issue resulting from an on campus symposium
Posted in: Inserra, Italian News and Events
Scrittori tra due mondi: Ricerche in corso / Writers Between Two Worlds: Work in Progress is the most recent issue of Studi Italiani, an international journal of Italian Literature. The volume stems from and expands on the October 2, 2014 symposium organized by the Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies at Montclair State University and the Centro di Studi, Aldo Palazzeschi (University of Florence, Italy). Held at the Montclair State University campus with the co-sponsorship of the Global Education Center, the symposium was presented in collaboration with Columbia University, the University of Bologna, the journal Italian Poetry Review, and the Centro Studi Sara Valesio e del Genus Bononiae, Bologna, Italy.
This special issue of Studi Italiani, edited by Simone Magherini of the University of Florence, investigates the multifaceted literary and artistic output generated by the geographic circulation of writers between the United States and Italy (and Europe more at large). Spanning texts from literature to theater, it collects the work of scholars active in the universities that co-sponsored the project as well as a few others (Rutgers University and University of Flensburg).In particular, this issue of Studi Italiani brings together the work of four Italian faculty members at Montclair State University whose long-term research agenda focuses on issues of mobility, cultural exchange, and the international reception of literature and theory. Andrea Dini’s essay focuses on the relationship between Hemingway and Calvino; David Del Principe’s piece is an eco-gothic reading of Collodi’s The Adventures of Pinocchio; Teresa Fiore’s illustrated essay analyzes a novella by Camilleri about return migration, and Marisa Trubiano’s contribution addresses Flaiano’s travel writings about the U.S.
While further sealing the collaboration between Montclair State University and the University of Florence, the volume marks the first scholarly endeavor supported by the Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies that has produced an academic publication, and in particular a publication that brings together so many faculty members of the Italian Program in the Department of Spanish and Italian.
See table of contents below and link to the journal’s website
- Gino Tellini (Università di Firenze), “Fenomenologia storica del mito americano
- Irene Gambacorti (Università di Firenze), “Terra di libertà, o d’esiglio doloroso: Pietro Borsieri in America”, p. 23;
- David Del Principe (Montclair State University), “L’Ecogotico transatlantico e una lettura di Le Avventure di Pinocchio di Carlo Collodi
- Simone Magherini (Università di Firenze), “Si sbarca a New York di Fausto Maria Martini”, p. 57;
- Andrea Dini (Montclair State University), “Calvino, Hemingway e Per chi suona la campana”, p. 81
- Marino Biondi (Università di Firenze), “Sul viaggio e il turismo. Soldati in viaggio per l’America”, p. 123;
- Marcello Neri (University of Flensburg), “Scrivere fra mondi che collassano. Heinrich Böll”, p. 137;
- Marisa Trubiano (Montclair State University), “Dobbiamo imparare a vivere come gli emigranti: Flaiano, gli Usa e il nostro vero paese di destinazione”, p. 153;
- Paolo Valesio (Columbia University), “Espatrio e poesia”, p. 163;
- Alberto Bertoni (Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Italy), “Vittorio Sereni fra due (o più) mondi”, p. 175;
- Teresa Fiore (Montclair State University), “Builders, Mermaids and the Bauhaus: New Visions of the Migrant Return in Andrea Camilleri’s Maruzza Musumeci, p. 183;
- Salvino Raco (Theatre director, Paris), “Poetics and Politics in a Contemporary Theatre Grounded in Today’s Reality”, p. 197.