Donatello Prize Winner and Chief Planner Led Video Making Workshop (9/28)
Posted in: Inserra, Italian News and Events
Watch the teaser for more on the “Adopt an Italian UNESCO Site” contest
The Inserra Chair presented a workshop and mixer about collaborative audiovisual work (Wed. Sept. 28) that has been highly appreciated by students of Italian as well as other disciplines.
The workshop was led by two experts in the field, linked in different ways to Italy’s Oscar Awards (David di Donatello): Massimo Mascolo (David di Donatello ceremony planning team), and Claudio Napoli (winner of a David di Donatello for Special Effects). These prestigious guests shared their first hand experience with the production on a professional video work and provided students of Italian, Filmmaking, Psychology and Marketing with techniques and tips on how to select ideas, develop stories, envision formats, and work cooperatively across disciplines.
“What I found most useful in the entire presentation was definitely the outline for producing a video that the speakers showed us,” stated attending student Ashly Espinoza. “It was divided into specifics steps that well clarified the creative process of Idea concept, Pre Production writing process, Production and Post production, along with useful questions to ask yourself before producing a video.”
This program was designed to help the students create original audiovisual works, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, to submit to the “Adopt an Italian UNESCO Site” contest (deadline: Dec. 2, 2016). First Prize: a ROUND TRIP TICKET TO ITALY!
You can learn more about the workshop and the presenters here.