Photo of the red hawk statue with Kasser Theater in the background.
News and Announcements

Nov. 18, 2013: “The Italian American Table: A Lecture on Food History by Dr. Simone Cinotto”

Posted in: Inserra, Italian News and Events

Feature image for Nov. 18, 2013: "The Italian American Table: A Lecture on Food History by Dr. Simone Cinotto"

Monday, November 18, 2013 (6-8pm)
Cohen Lounge in Dickson Hall (first floor), Montclair State University
RSVP required by Thur. Nov. 14- LIST HAS REACHED CAPACITY

Light refreshments will be served.

Based on the forthcoming book The Italian American Table, Cinotto’s lecture focuses on the material and symbolic role of food in the lives of Italian immigrants and its shaping of Italian American identity in New York City, in particular in 1920s-40s Harlem. Cinotto shows how generations of creative, ambitious improvisers in tenement kitchens and restaurants helped make their way into American culture while simultaneously developing the vibrant food-based economy of importers and restaurateurs that we still enjoy today.

Introduction: Dr. Teresa Fiore, Inserra Chair

Lecture by: Dr. Simone Cinotto (Visiting Scholar, Center for Mediterranean and European Studies, NYU)

Discussion moderators: Dr. David Del Principe (Associate Professor of Italian) and Dr. Gina Miele (Assistant Professor of Italian)

For more information, see the event page or contact Dr. Teresa Fiore at

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Sponsored and organized by the Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies in collaboration with the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America.