Photo of the red hawk statue with Kasser Theater in the background.
News and Announcements

Telling Your Story: Secrets to Job Search Success in Languages and Other Fields (April 18 and 24, 2019)

Posted in: CHSS News, Inserra Chair News and Announcements, Italian News and Events

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Storytelling for Job Search Success

This multi-part workshop with sociolinguist Dr. Anna Marie Trester explores the applicability of university training to a range of professional contexts. The workshop will address storytelling as a professional tool to transfer academic skills beyond the university degree. Flyer

April 18 (10-11:15am) Part I: Zoom video conference (UH 3046): 
April 24 (2:45-4:15pm) Part II: Live Workshop (SBUS 011) + Open Office Hrs 4:30-5:30 (Schmitt 318)
[Note that participants can attend just one portion of Dr. Tester’s multi-part engagement on campus. Sessions are not cumulative: join for one or all of them!]

Dr. Anna Marie Trester is the founder of Career Linguist, a blog and resource center for career exploration. As an interactional sociolinguist and storyteller, she has worked with a great number of linguists to find professional expression of their skills and training. Her current research focusing on stories of work explores the role of narrative in doing things with language, including “career orienteering.” In this particular workshop she wants to empower students’ sense of ownership in thinking about and creatively pursuing their careers.

The workshop is open to the entire MSU community, and is particularly recommended for Arts, Humanities and Social Science Majors as well as Languages and Linguistics.

This event is part of a collaboration across departments and units at MSU. It is co-sponsored and co-presented by the Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies at Montclair State University, along with the departments of Anthropology, Arts and Cultural Programming, Linguistics as well as Spanish & Latino Studies.