Teresa Fiore’s Fall 2016 Invited Talks and Panel Contributions (Oxford, Italian Embassy, Columbia, NYU, and Seton Hall)
Posted in: Inserra, Italian News and Events
This Fall 2016 Dr. Teresa Fiore received a number of invitations to give talks, serve as respondent, as well as contribute to panels related to book presentations and book prizes.
On Sept. 23, she gave a keynote speech at the University of Oxford, U.K.
On Oct. 24, she was part of the 2016 The Bridge Book Award Ceremony held at the Italian Embassy of Washington D.C. Created by Casa delle Letterature of the Rome Municipality, the Embassy of the United States in Rome, and the American Initiative for Italian Culture (AIFIC) and endorsed by the Italian Embassy in D.C. and the American Academy in Rome, the award is meant to be a “bridge” that connects Italy and the U.S. by recognizing recent worthy works of fiction and nonfiction published on both sides of the Atlantic. Dr. Fiore served as one of the 25 jury members who selected the winners in September and contributed to the panel discussion together with Pulitzer Prize-winner Jhumpa Lahiri and acclaimed Italian writer and journalist Domenico Starnone. See official page for full description of the award (winners, jury members, photos).
On Oct. 25, Dr. Fiore gave a talk at Seton Hall University entitled “Migration Italian Style: ‘New’ Italians in the U.S. against the Backdrop of the Historical Italian Diaspora.“ The presentation was included in the Charles and Joan Alberto Italian Studies Institute Talk series for Fall 2016. The talk is part of Fiore’s ongoing study on recent Italian immigration from Italy to the U.S. and is linked to two upcoming publications: “Immigration from Italy Since 1990” (Routledge, 2017) and “Migration Italian Style: Charting The Contemporary U.S.-Bound Exodus (1990-2012)” (University of Illinois Press, 2017).
Dr. Fiore was also invited to speak at the Fall 2016 Third Meeting of the Columbia Seminar in Modern Italian Studies on Nov. 11, serving as a respondent to the paper “Immigrant Writing and the Power of Fear” presented by Dr. Lucia Re (UCLA).
On Dec. 9th at the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies (NYU), Dr. Fiore contributed to the discussion of a recent book, Caring for a Living: Migrant Women, Aging Citizens, and Italian Families (Oxford University Press, 2016) along with the author Dr. Francesca Degiuli (Farleigh Dickinson University, NJ) and another panel presenter, Dr. Heidi Bludau (Monmouth University, NJ).